Monday, July 29, 2019

A Libertarian With Doubts About Statism: Lessons from the East Asian Economic Miracle

A Libertarian With Doubts About Statism: Lessons from the East Asian Economic Miracle. Byrne Hobart. Medium, Mar 11 2019.

I’ve always had highly libertarian instincts, for both pragmatic and ideological reasons. You say civilians should be able to own rocket launchers, I demand that these rocket launchers not face a sales tax. But for me and people like me, the East Asian economic miracle poses a serious challenge: the greatest anti-poverty program in history involved not just a lot of capitalism, but a ton of state intervention as well. The history of East Asian economic growth in the last half of the twentieth century is a history of academics and the World Bank insisting that their policies couldn’t possibly work, followed by decades and decades of torrid growth.
So I decided to look into it. I read a few books (skip to the end for sources and recommendations), and learned a ton. As it turns out, though the Miracle is largely a triumph of capitalism, it also illuminates that economic growth depends on judiciously insulating certain parts of the economy from market forces.
In a way, you can look at success stories like Japan and South Korea as a different instantiation of two very American institutions: venture capital and private equity. The difference is that it was VC and PE as practiced by the state, rather than by individual companies; the timelines were longer, the plans were bolder, and the results were stunning.
No American company or investor has improved as many lives by as wide a margin as MITI, Park Chung-Hee, and Deng Xiaoping. But the methods are, at heart, startlingly similar: identify a critical inflection point, make a bold bet on an unproven market, “blitzscale” as quickly as possible, deftly react to crises, and carefully expose budding monopolists to hormetic doses of competition until they’re strong enough to monopolize on their own merits.
This is not just a theoretical exercise. An active trade policy has landed suddenly back on the policy menu in the US and other places. In the past, we’ve done it sort of shame-facedly, giving nice subsidies to Iowa in exchange for their tactically priceless supply of early caucus dates, periodically bailing out American companies when international exporters teach them the meaning of the word “competition,” and occasionally gesturing towards energy independence without putting any meaningful goals to paper.
But now we’re talking about trade in a more adversarial way, which is appropriate inasmuch as, in international trade, America has many adversaries — not places that hate us, just places that, as a side effect of their own policy goals, end up harming American economic interests. Of the many possible trade policies, most are bad and free trade is — on net, and in the aggregate — the best. However,the simple Ricardian model of trade makes a few untenable assumptions, and other countries have learned to exploit them. In the spirit of free inquiry and open debate, I am happy to explain why anyone who advocates either contemporary protectionism or contemporary free trade is wrong.
But we’ll have to start at the beginning: how did East Asian countries get so rich, so fast?

Origins: How Did the Boom Start?
I’d like to begin by rehabilitating another long-since discredited economist: you can’t really understand the Miracle until you learn to think like a Malthusian. Malthus’s original thesis was that since population grows exponentially and food production grows linearly (with some deviations), we’ll always tend to grow the population to the point that maximum food output can just barely support it, meaning that a single bad harvest leads to famine.
Granting the premises, this is true, and looking back at history, his premises arguably made sense. Populations had gone through boom/bust cycles before, albeit more driven by war and disease than by famine per se — but war and disease are both symptoms of overcrowding, so the model was predictive even though it mislabeled the terms.
Of course, the two mistakes he made were the two premises: as it turns out, food production can grow exponentially, while population growth slows as countries get richer and better-educated.[1] One important thing to keep in mind when you’re thinking like a Malthusian is to note that if your country is close to the Malthusian limit, it means the incremental farmer is not producing enough food to feed themselves — if the average person produces enough food for one person, and some people have good land, the more marginal land is necessarily producing less than that average. That’s important because the non-farming population is able to accumulate capital, which can eventually raise farms’ efficiency, at least on a per-farmer basis. While farmers invent a ton of stuff, they can’t manufacture at scale.
So the story of Western Europe, starting at around when Malthus published, went like this: Farmers produced enough resources to support some basic manufacturing; this manufacturing produced capital that made farms more efficient; fewer farmers required meant more manufacturing, setting off a virtuous cycle.
Arguably, the event that set off the Renaissance, and thus the Industrial Revolution, was the Black Death. By killing a third of Europe, it pushed us to well below the Malthusian limit, raised workers’ wages, and limited governments’ ability to tax city-dwellers. Things really started to take off in Northern Italy, which is also where the plague first arrived. Of course, it could have happened anyway, and could have happened elsewhere — the reason it hit in the first place was that trade had globalized enough that rats and fleas from China found their way to Venice, which wasn’t happening as much beforehand. But certainly the Bubonic Plague accelerated things by eliminating a lot of people and raising the marginal productivity of the survivors.
For countries that didn’t have Europe’s good fortune in getting a catastrophic plague right when their technology had advanced to the point that they could rapidly scale up non-agricultural productivity, there was some more waiting involved.
As Joe Studwell points out in How Asia Works, every one of the economic miracles started with land reform — in Korea and Japan, this was part of a series of postwar changes; in China, it happened a little later with the gradual rescission of agricultural collectivization.
Land reform’s effects were paradoxical: in the short term, the net effect was more agricultural labor. Individual farmers intensively working small plots can achieve much higher productivity per acre than big plantations can, at the cost of not being very scalable. But for a country on the edge of the Malthusian trap, that’s exactly what they need.
What happened next, in every successful case, was that governments decided as a matter of policy that they’d favor export industries, and in particular that they’d favor industries that could achieve long-term productivity growth. In some ways, these countries lucked out due to the Green Revolution: if agricultural productivity in general hadn’t started to rise, they would have been stuck at a slightly higher Malthusian limit.
In each case, the first inflection that set off the boom was land reform. After that, two things happened: First, each country had a trade surplus, and the smart ones invested it in capital equipment for stage two. Second, birthrates rose. Since they had previously been bumping up against the Malthusian limit, an increase in food supply led directly to an increase in babies.[2]
For policymakers, the name of the game is this: you have some hard currency, and some babies. In seventy years, these babies will retire, and the next generation may well be smaller. What do you do in 1950 to ensure that the retirement accounts of 2020’s 70-year-olds are as full as possible, so they can soften the impact of a high dependency ratio?

The process:
Invest the trade surplus from food into light industry, i.e. textiles — this is a business where the main input is unskilled labor, so any poor country with a port and a smidgen of capital is, presto, the global low-cost leader.
Invest the trade surplus from that into heavy industry (at first: steel and basic chemicals; eventually heavy machinery, cars, specialty chemicals, electronics).
Relentlessly push your heavy industry to export; sell products that can compete globally, even if you’re taxing your population to subsidize your exporters.
On that note: use aggressive financial repression; force people to save a high proportion of their marginal product (i.e. standards of living can rise, but should rise a lot less than GDP); direct that money into industries with economies of scale.
Once you are the scale leader in a scale-driven industry, you can relax. But only a little! Now you have to worry about somebody else copying you. Japan’s world-beating steel industry got copied by South Korea, and their car industry faced competition there, too; Japan also lost their lead in electronics to China.

Case Study: Japan
Postwar Japan was an economic basketcase. The country had lost over two million lives, and American bombings had wrecked their industrial capacity. Even before that, Japan’s militarist government had warped the country’s economic development through a focus on arming for conquest.
As a consequence of all this, Japan’s GDP per capita in 1950 was under a fifth of the US level. Today, Japan’s GDP per capita is about two thirds of the US level.
When you try to evaluate the Japanese system, it’s important to note that it does not at all work the way it looks on paper.[3] In theory, Japan is a representative democracy, in which voters elect legislators who pass laws, etc. etc. etc. In practice, their system during the last half of the twentieth century was a sort of technocratic dictatorship, in which the foundational rules were not a written constitution but a set of bureaucratic social norms.
The protagonist of Japan’s industrialization is the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, which determined Japanese industrial policy. In the US, we’re used to thinking of government bureaucracies as slow and unambitious, but in Japan that wasn’t the case at all: MITI got the country’s best workers (the pass rate for their most challenging exam was 2%), and had an aggressive up-or-out approach. Talented people quickly got more responsibility, and they wielded immense power.
When MITI decided that Japan should be a steel exporter, they gave steel companies enormous loans to increase capacity. When the industry got overbuilt, MITI forced participants to merge. Since steel had economies of scale and was a useful input for other kinds of manufacturing, MITI decided that so if Japan were to have a future, it would start with steel.
And MITI was right. Japan became the world’s largest producer of steel by the early 80s, and their dominance in steel gave them a huge boost in shipbuilding and machinery.
Here are three striking illustrations of how powerful MITI was (one political, one sociological, one cultural):
Japanese legislators could introduce their own bills, but these tended to get voted down. MITI could also suggest bills, which tended to get passed with near-unanimity. That Japanese Diet in the postwar period looked less like the US Congress than it did the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union. Once the legislators saw the bill, it was as good as law. In MITI and the Japanese Miracle, Chalmers Johnson argues that this was an efficient system because the legislators “reigned” (they were the public face of government, and enjoyed the electoral consequences of policy decisions) while bureaucrats ruled (i.e. they made the actual decisions).
A study of the family trees of prominent Japanese people showed that high-level MITI employees tended to have more socially-prominent fathers-in-law than fathers. MITI, in other words, was where ambitious and upwardly-mobile young men wanted to work. Why bother getting rich when you can get powerful instead?
There are no fewer than three novels about Shigeru Sahashi, a powerful MITI vice-minister. One of them got turned into a TV show. Imagine The West Wing, but the hero works at the Department of Commerce.
MITI seems to have had a work-hard/play-hard culture. The MITI cliques tended to center around senior employees who were generous with their liquor cabinets. After a grueling fourteen-hour day of designing and implementing industrial policy, how better to relax than to throw back some Suntory and spend a couple more hours… discussing industrial policy?[4]
Senior employees did get rich, through a tradition of Amakudari (“descent from heaven”) in which senior bureaucrats would, late in their careers, land C-level jobs at the companies they had regulated. In an American context, the assumption is that this sort of revolving door becomes a way for a company to buy influence, but in Japan it appears a bit different: Amakudari offered a way for bureaucrats to ensure that their recommendations were being implemented. (And to finally get a nice company car, of course.)
The Japanese industrial growth playbook, for industry after industry, looked like this:
Bureaucrats would pressure banks to make loans and pressure companies to add capacity.
They’d subsidize companies based on export volume — in other words, a company didn’t have to be profitable, but it did have to compete.
As companies scaled up, the subsidies dialed down. Sometimes this was due to international pressure (although they were adept at dodging that; when Japan finally stopped directly subsidizing exports, they started allowing exporters to depreciate equipment faster, which, for a profitable company, is economically equivalent to a direct subsidy).
Once the industry reached viable scale, they’d rationalize capacity — merge competing firms, shut down inefficient plants — and move on to the next.
Japanese postwar economic history was a long series of increasingly impressive export-driven economic booms, leading to a serious level of creative nicknames:


And then, in the 80s, things got crazy, and in the 90s things fell apart.
The denouement of the bubble is an instructive example of the limits of policy interventions: Japan was basically forced to stop artificially devaluing their currency, which led to a property and asset bubble, and then a long period of economic stagnation. Demographic collapse didn’t help — instead of benefiting from a baby boom, Japan faced a growing population of elderly people, who tended to sit on their savings even at zero interest rates. (The current yield on Japanese ten-year government bonds is -0.04%.)
But still, Japan is a rich country; growth may be slow, but “growth” is the first derivative of GDP, and their GDP is quite impressive. For most of its history, Japan was a poor country. After a few decades of aggressive industrial policy, it became a rich one. And while it’s not the richest it’s ever been, that’s not the metric that matters.

Case Study: South Korea
South Korea’s economic growth is basically a gritty reboot of Japan’s story. Japan was a technocracy disguised as a democracy; South Korea was a poorly-run democracy until a major general decided that the votes that mattered were from the people with guns.
South Korea was poor, like Japan — only poorer. They’d survived a war, like Japan — but in their case, they were invaded by a nuclear power, and with the help of another nuclear power they fought back to a stalemate. Japan is surrounded on all sides by water; Korea was mostly surrounded by enemies.
And yet, they got rich. As recently as the 1960s, South Korea depended on US aid to avert famines. Not only do they now export lots of steel, chemicals, cars, and phones, but their single biggest cultural export is an incredibly catchy song about the spiritual agony of living in a wealthy country.
There’s a sort of Girardian side to South Korea’s industrialization story: Park Chung-Hee’s attitude towards Japan was 1) idolizing their success, and 2) fiercely committing to destroying them. Park was educated in Japan and served in their military; as President he would sometimes stay up late reading books about their economy.

Would you buy millions and millions of new cars from this man?
The South Korean industrialization story kicks into high gear with the foundation of their steel company, POSCO. Korea needed money and expertise to build a steel plant, and they got both — from their historical enemy, Japan, in exchange for accepting a Japanese apology over colonialism. This is the kind of decision a popularly-elected leader can’t afford to make. Park Chung-Hee only did it because he believed that it was the right choice (and that tanks matter more than votes).
POSCO construction crews were reminded that the plant was built with Japanese war reparations, and that it was a matter of national honor that Korea supplant Japan — specifically, the foreman allegedly suggested to employees that if they couldn’t hit their deadlines, they should consider suicide.
From there, Korea expanded into chemicals, and, famously, cars. Like Japan, their government put immense pressure on banks to lend to manufacturers, and on manufacturers to sell abroad. And, like Japan, Korea depended on a loyal cadre of highly effective bureaucrats. Korea benefited from a side effect of being ruled by a military junta: the Korean military under Japan was the best-educated segment of society, so once they ran their own show, they did it well. Interestingly enough, Korea’s civil-service exams had a 2% pass rate — exactly the same as Japan’s. There were only a few good schools, so most of the senior bureaucrats developed strong social ties — good for coordinating plans, but bad for admitting mistakes.
Because the challenges facing South Korean were more dire, its actions were more extreme than those of the Japan: at one point, Park Chung-Hee nationalized the banking system and imprisoned the heads of most Korean chaebol conglomerates, suspecting that they were hoarding cash. (As it turned out, they weren’t; he let them go and loosened controls on the banks soon after.)[5] Park insulated bureaucrats from the political consequences of their actions, which allowed them to think further ahead than typical government employees. Under a corrupt system, that would be a disaster but under an efficient one, it was a boon.
The repeating pattern in South Korea’s growth was that exporters would borrow enormous amounts, over-expand, then lose lots of money and be forced to merge or go under while the government scrambled to get enough foreign capital to pay the bills. This system can’t last forever, but it’s basically running an industrial policy by making a series of Kelly bets: you maximize your long-term returns only by accepting a surprisingly high level of volatility.
This also explains some of South Korea’s otherwise bizarre foreign policy decisions. South Korea was the second-largest contributor of manpower to the Vietnam war, sending about five times as many troops as the #3 participant, Australia. This was a geopolitical bankshot: the point was not to keep South Vietnam capitalist, it was to guilt American troops into staying in South Korea.
South Korea’s policies under Park Chung-Hee make sense as an effort to address the existential risk of invasion by the North. This remained a live risk for his entire tenure; North Korean commandos regularly made incursions into South Korea, and they were likely involved in an assassination attempt that took the life of Park’s wife. This also explains Park’s repressive domestic policies — the Park regime brutally suppressed student protestors and labor unions. Their human rights record was not exactly enviable, but given the situation they faced it becomes somewhat understandable.

Here’s a Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for South Korea:


Park did not adhere to democratic norms, although South Korea eventually adopted a fairly representative system. What Park had instead of popularity was legitimacy, which I’d define as when society gives you permission not to ask for their permission. South Korea’s industrial policy was a series of high-risk, unpopular decisions, of the sort that would have been voted down by gigantic margins in any representative system. Fortunately for today’s Koreans, such a system didn’t exist: Park and his junta decided that they were the right people to run things, figured out what to do, and did it.

Singapore and China: The Missing Case Studies
If I’d written this piece before reading How Asia Works, I would have spent a lot of time on Singapore: it exemplifies the approach of using market signals for implementation but maintaining state guidance. Singapore also used a much more free-market approach than other countries. But, as Joe Studwell argues, Singapore and Hong Kong are not useful case studies, because free market policies work unusually well for city-states that prosper through trade and finance. If you have a port, and your port is close to a growing industrial powerhouse, you don’t have to plan ahead as much; you just have to avoid making any catastrophic mistakes. Singapore did exactly that, in fact; thanks to their government’s policies, they’re a lot richer than they otherwise would have been. But they’d still counterfactually be pretty rich, just by virtue of how much cargo and capital passes through their general vicinity.
Lee Kuan Yew gets a lot of mindshare for the same reason Churchill does — say what you want about his decisions, but he probably said it better in one of his books. LKY has a particular gift for gently making fun of American elite opinion, as if he’s just been cheered up thinking about how the American Cambridge houses even more eccentrics than the English one.
Singapore’s position as a port city in the general vicinity of several rapidly-industrializing countries meant that it could pursue truly laissez-faire policies and expect good results. Of course, the state intervened heavily in Singapore (it’s odd that such a capitalist paradise has most of its citizens living in government housing), but Singapore is an order of magnitude less economically intrusive than the other case studies.
It’s hard to prematurely optimize a port or a financial hub. You might somehow get an edge by knowing what raw materials are cheap to ship there, then assembling them and exporting, but touching the supply chain at only one point makes things tricky. At the same time, a city-state like Singapore does have the advantage that it’s relatively easier to maintain control, which means the government can tolerate more macroeconomic volatility, and that means that they can better afford to pursue to the monetary stability the IMF loves so much.
The math is just different when your riot police can walk across the entirety of the country in under an hour. The lesson of Singapore is that it’s good to have a port, and if you have one, your job is a lot easier.
In China, we have the opposite problem: if Singapore is hard to use as an example because it’s small-scale and doesn’t need to control its own destiny, China is hard to talk about because everything that happens there happens on such an enormous scale — and because, unlike the other countries I’ve discussed, China’s leaders see it playing a globally hegemonic role in the future. At one level, of course, they’d like to have a rich country because it’s nice to be rich. But at another level, they have manpower and want a similar amount of materiel.
This is important, because economic development in most countries has a more boring endgame: economically, most people want to live in 1950s America. China has different plans: yes, they want their workers to be rich — rich enough that they can take a vacation to Taiwan and visit landmarks like Xi Jinping Plaza and the Victims Of Kuomintang Atrocities Memorial.[6]
China is also hard to analyze because the anti-capitalist faction won their civil war, and capitalism only came back once those winners finally died. While their policies from the 80s on show a substantial amount of foresight, they didn’t need quite as much as Korea or Japan, because those countries had already done the hard work. Japan had to adopt ideas from 19th century neo-mercantilists, and Korea had to adapt them, but China just had to look at what had worked over the previous decades and do it at scale.
China also benefited from a rising tide of globalization. Their economic growth really kicked into high gear once they joined the WTO, especially since they were willing to drag their feet on issues like IP theft and protection. More so than the other case studies, China managed to implement a system of free trade for thee and protectionism for me, and use it to achieve dominant scale in industries with impressive economies of scale. Their plan seems to be to keep on doing this, with more and more industries, unless someone stops them. In Internet meme terms: if you’re at the top of a meritocracy and you rule for life, plus everyone you negotiate with is an elected official with a term limit, you’re a player character going one-on-one with NPCs.

Why These Techniques Work
Japan and Korea implemented similarly heterodox policies and saw similar levels of success. It’s worth looking at how some of these techniques worked in practice, and how they fit together. After that, I’ll address the implications for the US today.

Export Subsidies: Y Combinator for Steel
Export discipline is the single most powerful concept behind the East Asian Economic Miracle. The idea is simple: the only way to produce wealth is to make something people in other countries want to buy, but poor countries have a comparative disadvantage in complex manufacturing. The solution that worked for Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China was simple: protect and subsidize exporters, but only subsidize them to the extent that they can actually sell something in other countries.
The car industry has punishing economies of scale. You need to design vehicles, source parts, and actually build them, and the minimum cost to do this is prohibitive. If you build one tenth of General Motors, you don’t earn one tenth of what GM does. Instead, you lose a lot of money, because you have a sub-scale factory that’s producing well below capacity.
But the counterpoint to that is that if you build something twice as big as GM, you’re going to make more than 2x what GM does, which means your incremental returns on capital are far higher. GM, at least in the mid-twentieth century, was mostly selling cars to Americans, and America was the land of abundant capital, high wages, and cheap oil — all of which were de facto subsidies for domestic auto demand. But those implicit subsidies applied to imports just as much as domestically-produced cars, so the industrial planners knew that if they achieved breakeven, they’d enjoy a long runway during which they’d produce higher returns.
One way to look at export subsidies is that, like in The Producers, they let a company sell more than 100% of its equity. In this case, the government is essentially “short” the exporter’s profits, and distributes the corresponding long position to the company’s management and the banks that finance its expansion. By ensuring that the people with a stake in the outcome are the ones who can make a better outcome happen, they align incentives towards growth.
This is a centralized, government-based riff on exactly the same logic as venture capital. VC also provides bridge financing to subsidize some behavior that’s unprofitable at small scale but very valuable at a larger scale — export discipline from MITI is economically equivalent to VCs who will fund a negative cash-flow business as long as it has high gross margins, low user churn, and network effects.
There are a surprising number of parallels between these policies and the way startups work:
Startups often sell to other startups at first. Salesforce did this in a big way; Y Combinator is a sort of Zaibatsu that gives startups instant access to a few hundred good customers.
Below-market salaries and big options packages make employees hard to poach, mimicking the effects that lifetime employment and government-sanctioned monopolies have on employee incentives.
Small group of people has no politics. Ten people working on a project is pretty apolitical. Fifty who come from the same extended social network and also share the same crazy mission will also be fairly apolitical.
There’s no immediate need to turn a profit, but intense need to show growth. A startup that gets valued at 30x sales in one round and 5x sales at IPO has a similar cadence of external cashflows to a steel company that starts out getting 50% of its revenues from export subsidies and matures with 95% of its revenues from real customers.
Essentially, these planners were building an industrial base for a future in which they’d be about as wealthy as the Americans. Japan, they knew, would eventually become a country where lots of people wanted to buy cars, radios, and appliances, and the best way to sell those domestic consumers quality products was first to compete for the wallet-share of the wealthier and pickier American and Western European consumer. Even today, Japan’s auto industry is implicitly and explicitly subsidized. As The Economist points out, Japan mandates expensive safety tests for cars after three years. Rather than pay for the tests, many consumers sell their used cars and upgrade to a newer model. Result: everyone in Ulaanbaatar drives a Prius.

Inflation: When It’s Not So Bad
The IMF is notorious for telling countries not to let inflation get out of control, and developing markets are equally notorious for bouts of severe inflation. Korea went through years of high-CPI growth, Japan had extreme inflation early in its development, and of course other developing markets to this day go through cycles of elevated inflation.
The argument against high inflation is straightforward: it makes it hard for investors to feel confident in the value of their assets, especially fixed-income assets. If you’re an ambitious technocrat, your country needs to issue lots of bonds, and your country’s banks need lots of foreign capital flows as well. High inflation makes that difficult.
The pro-inflation argument is a lot simpler: inflation is a side effect of fiscal or monetary stimulus, both of which accelerate growth.
In the case of the Miracle economies, demographics and cultural norms conspired to make high inflation an unusually prudent policy. For reasons that may never obtain again, the policies that South Korea pursued (which led to 10%+ inflation throughout the 1960s) were actually quite prudent. Japan’s inflation, a more modest mid-single digit rate during that time period, was also quite acceptable.

What both countries benefited from was the combination of:
Population growth driven by agricultural reform, which helped them escape the Malthusian trap and expanded family sizes (South Korea’s population grew by 2–3% per year throughout the 60s).
A set of cultural norms that strongly encouraged young people to support their parents.
If mom and dad’s pension loses 80% of its value in real terms, but your wages rise 4x over the same time period, it’s no big deal — your salary was their retirement plan all along anyways. Essentially, these countries could use families as an intergenerational redistribution mechanism, meaning that they only had to care about the aggregate change in the net present value of incomes, not the distribution thereof.[7]
As those same countries lapped the impact of their baby booms, and started seeing low-to-negative population growth, they faced harder policy decisions. Fiscal stimulus dilutes the net worths of old people on fixed incomes, and those people vote. Meanwhile, monetary stimulus tends to help them, which pushes East Asian economies towards zero interest policies.

Corruption: Also Not So Bad
Samuel Huntington has a very illuminating line about corruption:
“In terms of economic growth, the only thing worse than a society with a rigid, overcentralized, dishonest bureaucracy is one with a rigid, overcentralized, honest bureaucracy. A society which is relatively uncorrupt — a traditional society for instance where traditional norms are still powerful — may find a certain amount of corruption a welcome lubricant easing the path to modernization.”
Call it Coasian corruption: you accept some level of bribery because the people who expect the best returns on investment are the ones willing to offer the largest bribes, and you can’t easily write the rules in advance (while you can retroactively refine them). In a sense, corruption provides a valuable signal: if your country’s senior automotive bureaucrat lives in a mansion while the most important steel bureaucrat lives in his parents’ spare bedroom, maybe steel isn’t your country’s most competitive export.
All of the Miracle economies have had corruption problems, but they often seem to be a side effect of wealth creation. After all, something can only get stolen if there’s something to steal.
Like inflation, a surprisingly high level of corruption is tolerable in the short term, but eventually becomes a problem. While it’s hard to measure, the real heuristic is this: corruption is prosocial in a developing market when it helps skirt rules that discourage wealth creation. It becomes a problem when the prospect of corruption encourages rules that stymie growth.
In China, a major source of corruption is the sale of land. Land is, in effect, owned by local governments, who must sell it to pay their expenses. And land in China is quite valuable. Naturally, many land purchases involve consulting fees paid to offshore companies that happen to be controlled by the immediate family members of the people in charge of deciding which factory owner gets which plot of land. If the result is that factory owners competitively seek out the best places to build new plants, and start construction as quickly as possible, then it’s a net boon to Chinese growth. But it’s also a signal that the land-sale system needs to get formalized.
China has passed the point at which additional corruption lubricates rather than retards growthThey may have reached the dangerous point where crooks are sufficiently entrenched such that they can’t be easily dislodged. But Japan and Korea have had massive bribery scandals in the past while continuing to grow right through them, so while this is not ideal it’s hardly catastrophic.
As the economy matures, of course, it does get catastrophic. You can take the converse of Huntington’s argument: if corruption is helpful when the rules don’t make sense, it’s harmful when they do. At 10% GDP growth, any government policy runs the risk of being obsolete by the time it’s implemented; at 2% growth or 0% growth, that’s no longer the case.
IP Piracy: Great Artists Steal
One good business model is to spend a lot of money upfront to produce some fantastic new technology, and then sell a unique and high-margin product based on it.
For an even more profitable model,skip the expensive R&D and just copy somebody else’s work. This is a time-honored tradition; as Ha-Joon Chang points out in Bad Samaritans, Renaissance England once had comically aggressive industrial espionage laws (if you told the perfidious Dutch the secrets of English textiles, you could be executed).
This practice is ubiquitous — China is famous for technology-transfer deals today, but Japan did exactly the same thing to IBM and the car companies a few decades ago, as did Korea. The defense of it is a kind of quirky utilitarian argument: it’s not like Japan was going to buy very many IBM mainframes or Cadillacs at full-price in 1960, so the existence of cut-rate copies is no great loss.
Both Japan and Korea significantly dialed back the IP theft as they advanced, and started doing their own R&D instead. Today, there are many industries where the US would benefit from filching East Asian IP — but, of course, we don’t have governmental air cover should we attempt to do so, and Japanese and Korean companies are not especially excited to invite American engineers and researchers over to tour the lab and learn their secrets.
China, on the other hand, has not pulled back. As a result, they’re facing the consequences that Japan and South Korea were able to avoid: the inability to cooperate with R&D efforts at American and European companies, and retaliatory trade actions.
This strategy is not, of course, unique to industrial policy. Basically any online community that allows user-generated content will benefit from allowing users to generate lots of content by pirating it. The usual model is that you slowly crack down on the stolen stuff, and grow your legitimate business to the point that when you do finally pay a fine or settle a lawsuit, you’ve grown your way out of the fine. If you get fined 100% of your revenue for allowing piracy, but you grow your business 10x by the time you actually pay the fine, you’ll survive. Perhaps China’s planners are performing exactly the same calculation.

Financial Repression
Successful industrializers use a broad array of tactics to raise the savings and investment rate in their countries.
I should emphasize three things about this regime:
1. It’s unpleasant for the people who live through it.
2. It’s nice for their descendants.
3. I don’t want to be the kind of person whose descendants grumble that all that consumption must have been fun for you, dad. Better to have kids who know that you’d chew broken glass to build them a better future.
The two basic levers for financial repression are encouraging saving and discouraging consumption. Most industralizers use high tariffs and capital controls to keep people from consuming.
Direct tariffs work as a means of reducing local consumption, but trade treaties often preclude them. Fortunately for savvy countries, there are ways to apply indirect tariffs, too. Japan has a large wholesale industry: according to Johnson’s MITI, in the late 60s, Japan’s wholesale sector generated almost 5x the revenue of Japanese retailers, compared to a 1.3:1 ratio in the US. This oversized wholesale industry served two purposes: it was a welfare/retirement program for unneeded workers in manufacturing companies, and it meant many layers of red tape for companies exporting to Japan. If every middleman charges foreign companies just a little bit more, the total “middleman tax” is raised to the power of the number of layers of middlemen.
One of the important levers Japan and Korea pulled was on the savings side: by reducing people’s opportunities to spend money, they forced them to save, and both countries artificially reduced interest rates on deposits, generally to below the rate of inflation. In other words, savers were literally paying banks to hold on to their money.
Why did savers do this? It’s unclear whether this was an explicit goal or a lucky accident, but macroeconomic volatility coupled with a weak safety net for individuals places enormous pressure on people to save money. If you don’t have unemployment insurance or welfare, and your friends and family are all desperately poor, you need to rely on your own savings if you get laid off. High GDP growth gave people enough money to save, and the risk of a recession gave them an incentive to.
These savings constituted free money for banks. In return, the state required banks to make uneconomic loans. In a poorly-functioning system, this would have the inevitable result that either banks would avoid taking risk, and just collect the profits on their cheap deposits. Or they’d make loans to well-connected borrowers, rather than to the companies that represented the best prospects. In a system where ambitious people work in the private sector or legislature, that’s exactly what would happen — it’s exactly what does happen, even in developed countries with stable institutions, like the US. But in the Miracle economies, the most ambitious people were the ones telling banks where to lend, not the ones doing the borrowing or the lending, or taking political credit for the jobs that resulted.
Financial repression is redistribution from individuals to big business, but in a less individualist country, “big business” is something closer to “national wealth held in trust.” So it’s really redistribution from present consumers to future consumers. This is also unfair! Utilitarians would be aghast at the idea of taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich, and in global/historical terms, the Japanese in the 50s were poor while their present descendants are rich.

Banks Over Bonds
James Carville liked to tell a joke: “I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter. But now I would like to come back as the bond market. You can intimidate everybody.” Markets are great at allocating resources, but they’re often quite reactive. Carville was right about that: if bond investors are mad, you’ll know about it. As a result, any business or country that relies on capital markets for funding faces immediate consequences if it doesn’t follow those markets’ conventional wisdom.
The alternative is to source capital from banks: bank loans don’t get quoted every day on an exchange, so even if something reduces the loan’s perceived odds of getting repaid, accounting rules allow bankers and borrowers to live in denial. This later turned into a huge problem in Japan, Korea, and China; all three countries suffered from zombie banks that financed zombie companies, while in a more open market the result would have been bankruptcy. But during the growth phase, a banking system can grow its way out of early problems.
Growing out of one’s problems is generally an imprudent strategy. That’s what burned the S&Ls and junk bonds in the 80s, and it’s been the bane of consumer lenders and insurers for longer. But since the Miracle economies focused on industries with economies of scale, growing out of the problem really did work. Korea forced its marginal auto manufacturers to merge or shut down, but the survivors can service their debts.
Banks have another advantage in a country with a well-run government that can ignore near-term popular pressure: they serve as a more direct conduit between fiscal/monetary policy and economic behavior. When MITI or the Korean industrial planners decided that their economy needed a little more juice, they ordered banks to lend more, which immediately resulted in higher capital expenditures and quickly added jobs. A bank-based system, in other words, means there’s a direct conduit from a central bank’s lender-of-last-resort status to balance sheets, companies, and workers. Savers get dinged by this, but the logic of financial repression holds: savers are saving because of the risk of macro instability, so diluting the inflation-adjusted value of savings while cushioning the blows from a recession can be a wash, or even a win.
A system like the US Fed has to operate more indirectly, by tweaking short-term risk-free interest rates in the hope that this will propagate through the entire rate curve and affect credit spreads in a predictable way. I’m sure Bernanke would have liked to just order every bank in the US to lend lend lend until the vaults were empty. When short-term rates hit zero, central banks have to intervene more, but in a US and Western European context they prefer a shotgun approach to a sniper rifle.

Policy Implications for the US
As a capitalist, I believe everyone has a right to try to get rich. As an American, I welcome their efforts to do so, at the expense of any country but one.
As we’ve seen, the policies pursued by the Miracle economies produced better results than are implied by classical economic theories. That observation doesn’t invalidate the theories, it just illustrates their limitations: “If X and Y, then Z” implies “If not Z, then not X or Y.” Good candidates for X or Y include perfect competition and constant returns to scale.
In a Ricardian model, a country should always focus on whatever it has a comparative advantage in. The model that works is to focus on what you could have a comparative advantage in, and do whatever it takes to get that advantage.

Considering this, what limitations does the US face in responding to these policies?
Our government employees are not high-status, and there’s not a clear path to making them so. The recent shutdown a striking case in point. This Vox piece summarizes the standard view of the shutdown’s adverse consequences. 800,000 people were furloughed from their jobs. The concrete results Vox talks about are from how they spend their money. It’s assumed that the marginal productivity of the 800,000 least essential government employees is zero; there isn’t anything they’re supposed to be accomplishing other than cashing paychecks.
Granted, the shutdown did cause inconveniences, but these nearly always fit the same pattern: “This is illegal unless specifically approved, and the person responsible for approving it has been deemed inessential and is not at work today.”
I don’t mean to imply that all government employees are completely ineffectual, just that being ineffectual is not a bar to continued employment. The most predictive model of the modal government employee in the US is that they’re collecting a pension from day one, but they have to wait in line for roughly forty hours a week to receive it. Fortunately, they can entertain themselves while waiting.
Japan, China, and Korea all benefited from a long tradition of high-status civil servants. Korea and China had a government strongly influenced by the military (in Korea because the military seized power; in China because the military wing of the Party conquered the country.) In both cases, they traded off their recent record of military success. The US military isn’t going to match that level of status any time soon. While it’s an incredibly impressive organization in many ways, it’s been a long time since we’ve had a morally and strategically unambiguous victory.[8]
Our deep capital markets make it hard for the government to direct capital to strategically important industries, but given the status gap that’s a good thing. If the smartest and hardest-working people are in the convincing-bureaucrats-this-is-a-strategic-imperative business, the result will be that any business that can absorb a lot of capital and employ a lot of smart people will benefit.
Robust capital markets make it hard to hide short-term pain. If the loans backing POSCO or the South Korean chemicals industry had been traded on open markets, they might have dropped from 100 cents on the dollar down to 50 or less as the project struggled to take off. But on a bank’s balance sheet, a loan that hasn’t defaulted yet can be marked to 100, 100, 100, every year, for as long as necessary.
This is not strictly a disadvantage. It means the American system is great at pruning dead wood. We don’t make very many televisions, shirts, or shoes these days, because domestic manufacturers quickly lost access to capital. But it also means that industries going through what might be only a temporary low point can easily go to zero and never come back.
We view ourselves as the world’s good guys. When I talk to people about US free trade policy, one of the concerns is the effects that our policies have on workers in the third world. (This is not necessarily a well-informed concern. Back when he was interesting, Paul Krugman liked to point out that if you think a sweatshop sounds bad, you should ask yourself what kind of alternative employment made that sweatshop sound so good.)
In my readings, I did not see very many discussions at MITI about how their policies would affect Detroit. They seemed pretty concerned with how things would go in Nagoya. Detroit, they seem to have assumed, would take care of itself. (Or not.)
If you’re using traditional Ricardian thinking, MITI got it wrong: the global utility-maximizing move is to have everyone focus on whatever they’re currently good at. If you’re trying to gain an advantage over someone, the deadweight loss will hit you just as hard, or harder. That applies when comparative advantages are static, but not when they change over time. A change in comparative advantage is an abstraction. How it happens, concretely, is that a big new factory opens in one country and an older, smaller factory closes in a different, richer country.
Only if you’re willing to take actions that keep a relatively poor country relatively poorer than it otherwise would be can you run an effective industrial policy in a wealthy country. (Since poor countries have minimal domestic demand and cheap labor, their best option is to find products that are already in demand globally and could be made for less. In other words, they optimally compete head-to-head with incumbents.)
The idealized neoliberal view is that as countries get wealthier, they lose their comparative advantage in manufacturing but gain an advantage in services. Everyone loves American movies, right? Who cares if they don’t really want our cars?
Movies are a pretty small business (the global box office is about $40bn/year, compared to around $4tr for the global auto industry. Auto revenues grow by several movie industries’ worth in a good year.). And while there are economies of scale, they tend to apply to things like plugging known acting talent together with well-known directors who can raise money from the right producers, etc. These don’t produce serious, globally-dominant industries with rising incremental returns on investment.They just give you Hollywood, Bollywood, and Nollywood; three small, separate local maxima.
Movies are an unfairly kind example to choose. Those we can export. American healthcare is mostly consumed and produced domestically, our retail industry is overwhelmingly focused on satisfying local demand, and our financial services industry also primarily matches local savers to local borrowers. Neoliberal policymakers will argue that as we deindustrialize, older workers will retrain. I’ll believe it when Cato fires their economics PhDs and replaces them with much more affordable former steelworkers.
Software is the big bet here. A US economy whose growth is dominated by global software giants, headquartered here, would indeed allow us to de-industrialize. In fact, it would more or less force it to happen. At scale, software companies produce high margins and don’t require much capital, so their ROIs are enormous. (And the big incremental expense that they do have is marketing, which is increasingly just revenue for a different software company.) As a result, they attract investment to the US — but since they’re high-margin businesses, they don’t produce much trade surplus relative to their profits. The result is a trade deficit that’s driven as much by supply of capital as it is by domestic demand for consumption.
This is a very big bet to make, and it’s a bet that we’re making blindly.
What we should explore instead is a policy of directly countering any country’s industrial policy to the extent that it’s designed to attack an industry the US still dominates that benefits from scale. Basically we’d go down the Made In China 2025 list and figure out what level of export subsidies and cheap loans would ensure that every single one of those products is Made In the USA by 2024. This may technically be against the rules, but those rules are hardly sacred.
The beauty of a policy like this is that it inverts the logic that the Miracle countries relied on. They knew that they could only earn high profits by exporting at scale; our policy just has to maintain profits at incrementally higher scales. Ideally, such a policy framework doesn’t ever actually get implemented. The point is that it’s cheaper for incumbents to stay on top than it is for challengers to get on top, so as long as incumbents commit to staying that way, challengers bother somebody else.[9]
To paraphrase The Princess Bride, we’ve fallen victim to one of the classic blunders: Never be the last to realize that you’re involved in a trade war in Asia.
The challenge America faces is that a free trade system optimizes on the margin, while industrial policy focuses on changing the overall balance of power. Once an industry moves to another country, it’s expensive to move it back, and the longer it grows the harder it gets. This means we have a comparative advantage when defending the industries we still have, but that we lose a little more of it every year. If we don’t take manufacturing exports seriously, someone else will.

I started with Ha-Joon Chang’s Bad Samaritans, which is a great place to start if you’re a fan of free trade and love to argue. Chang’s book is mixed; there’s some good analysis, a little bit of “I got mine,” especially with respect to industrial espionage, and a couple dubious statistics.[10] But for an overview of the free trade skeptic’s case, it can’t be beat.
A less partisan but more persuasive work is Joe Studwell’s How Asia Works. This one’s a masterpiece: in-depth profiles of both successes (South Korea) and failures (Malaysia), full of great lessons. My case studies draw heavily from this book. One of my favorite details, from a chapter on how a corrupt democratic process stymied the Philippines: they once had an election in which Marcos spent so much money buying votes that it literally triggered a balance of payments crisis.
The Park Chung-Hee Era: I came away from this book with a lot more respect for Park, who was clearly one of the great statesmen of the twentieth century — a century that, considering the challenges it presented, was sadly lacking in greatness and statesmen.
MITI and the Japanese Miracle. Like no other book I’ve read. It’s like Carlyle, but instead of the Great Man theory of history it’s the Great Bureaucracy theory.
Alexander Hamilton’s Report on Manufactures. Sadly, there is not a hip-hop version available (“You say you fear a tariff/But the Brit is who you’ll scare if/You raise your nation’s output/and they learn too late what’s afoot.”)
Friedrich List’s The National System of Political Economy. An economist who set out to refute Adam Smith. Prussia implemented this, the Meiji government in Japan cribbed from it, and Park Chung-Hee cribbed from them. He couldn’t have known that the ultimate result of his work was Volkswagen and BMW losing market share to Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai.
Clashing Over Commerce is a wonderful history of trade policy. As is traditional in US history, there was a lively intellectual debate over the proper approach to trade policy, which had nothing whatsoever to do with how Congress ultimately behaved. In industrial policy terms, academia and the media manufactured soundbites, which were a low-margin, easily-copied product in which it’s hard to get a durable competitive advantage.

[1] Note that while this is true broadly, it’s not true for everybody. Some groups, particularly religious groups, have far higher fertility rates. Hutterites, for example, have about ten kids per family. That’s a lot, although the timescales are quite long.
[2] As an American who was born in the late twentieth century, I’m not used to thinking of famines as something that happen to anybody I’d know. But South Korea relied on US food aid to avert famines as recently as the mid-60s.
[3] That’s true of any country, of course. My grade school social-studies class managed to explain How A Bill Becomes A Law without saying anything about lobbyists writing bills, legislators leaking trial balloons, or the crucial importance of getting Mitch McConnell on your side.
[4] “Management-by-binge-drinking” is a pattern that shows up just often enough to be worth researching some time. Other examples include the management team of RJR Nabisco (pre-LBO) and the court of Peter the Great.
[5] India recently experimented with a similar policy, on a wider scale, and they, too, discovered that there wasn’t as much dirty money floating around as they’d thought. This seems to be a recurring pattern — perhaps politicians assume that corrupt businesspeople would hoard cash rather than invest in productive assets, because that’s how corrupt politicians behave.
[6] It’s a topic for another piece, but: the reason the stakes are so high — for both China and America — is that China is a net oil importer with overseas territorial ambitions. Oil is a global market only because the American navy protects global oil shipments, and losing that protection, or facing a naval conflict with the US, would wreck the Chinese economy. But it’s the party line that Taiwan is a part of China. So China either a) needs to achieve naval parity with the US, such that we won’t try to stop them if they invade Taiwan, or they need to gradually backpedal on the whole Greater China thing. Headlines over the last few years give no indication that China plans to back down, at least while the current generation is in power.
[7] In the US, we’ve pursued a backwards redistribution policy, where we tend to bail out asset owners, i.e. the old, at the expense of pricing young people out of those same assets. Pumping money into the banking system to support residential real estate prices is a good way to stabilize the economy, but a system that only stays solvent with a relentless rise in the price-to-rent ratio is unsustainable. For much, much more on this, see my writeup of our broken mortgage system.
[8] The morally debatable nature of every successful US military campaign since World War Two is not because we suddenly decided to become a force for evil in the world. It’s because we’re such an important superpower that both sides of every conflict are at least making an effort to appeal to us.
[9] Sorry, Germany.
[10] For example, Chang lauds Petrobras as a “world-class firm with leading-edge technologies,” perhaps an oblique references to their many advances in the science of stuffing large amounts of currency into small paper bags and briefcases. The book notes that software piracy helps accelerate poor countries’ growth, and later complains that Western countries don’t spend very much money trying to cure Malaria — a pair of claims rendered poignant by how Bill Gates made his money, and how he chooses to spend it.

Disagreeable men produce higher-quality ejaculates

Disagreeable men produce higher-quality ejaculates. Tara Lynn DeLecce, Guilherme S. Lopes, Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Todd K. Shackelford. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 31st annual meeting. Boston 2019.

Abstract: Some research has found relationships between personality dimensions and ejaculate quality, but this research has limitations. In the current study, we investigated the relationships between six major personality dimensions and several ejaculate parameters. Forty-five fertile men provided two masturbatory ejaculates and completed a measure of major personality dimensions. Agreeableness was the only personality dimension consistently associated with ejaculate parameters after controlling for participant age, Body Mass Index, and abstinence duration. In short, disagreeable men produced higher-quality ejaculates. The current study adds to previous evidence documenting that psychological attributes—such as disagreeableness—are associated with ejaculate quality. We highlight limitations of the current research and identify directions for future research.

How to give feedback that actually works, without hurting anyone more than you have to

How to give feedback that actually works, without hurting anyone more than you have to. Leah Fessler & Khe Hy. Quartz, April 9, 2018.

[Full text, further reading at the link above]

Management moguls are obsessed with telling you to give more feedback. It will save your startup. Make you a great manager. Earn you millions. Hell, they promise, it’ll resuscitate your marriage and your sex life, too. But will it?
Feedback fanatics aren’t crazy. A lack of frequent, helpful feedback is among the top reasons people quit their jobs. Studies show that more communicative, honest cultures drive increased productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction.
Feedback helps us see our inevitable blind spots, and optimize our performance. As Charlie Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, famously stated, “You are not going to get very far in life based on what you already know.”
Poorly delivered feedback, however, can wreak havoc. At its best, it stirs confusion. At its worst, it breeds fear, resentment, and revenge. As a result, we’re conditioned to viewing the delivery of any feedback as a risk.
But anyone can master the art of giving feedback. Here’s how:

Learn how feedback affects you, and your team
If you’re afraid of delivering feedback, you’re not alone. In two surveys conducted by leadership development consultancy Zenger/Folkman, each polling nearly 8,000 managers, about 44% of those surveyed said they found it stressful and difficult to give negative feedback. A fifth of them avoid the practice entirely. This feedback aversion is often rooted in fear of hurting others’ feelings.
“Feedback is a social threat,” says Ed Batista an executive coach, consultant, and facilitator at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. And like any threat, it’s accompanied by physiological and cognitive responses, including an increase in heart rate and blood pressure and feelings of anger, anxiety, and fear. Making matters worse, humans are biased toward negativity—that is, a tendency to over-index on negative interactions relative to neutral or positive ones. These physiological responses can inhibit us from effectively processing any feedback that we perceive as threatening to our identities, happiness, and jobs.
As Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone lay out in their book Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well, feedback is hard to process because it forces us to grapple with two, sometimes conflicting, core human needs: The drive to learn and grow, which is inherently satisfying, and the drive to be accepted, respected, and loved the way we are now.
Individual sensitivity to feedback varies tremendously, and can be measured by your baseline happiness, how far you swing up or down in response to positive or negative feedback, and how long it takes you to return to your baseline. Whenever you begin working with someone new—a direct report, a client, a mentee—make an effort to learn about their feedback tendencies and preferences off the bat. This can be done via a quick and friendly chat, using hypothetical situations before real issues arise. For example: “If I notice you offended a colleague in a meeting, would you prefer I let you know mid-meeting, directly after the meeting, or later via an email so you have time to process?”
You might even encourage everyone on your team to write a user manual in which they offer an explicit description of their values, tendencies, and preferred methods for working with others. By personalizing your feedback relationships, you guardrail yourself from giving ineffective, potentially offensive critique, and prime your team for ongoing success.

Forget the feedback sandwich
It’s important to remember that no one wins when we avoid difficult conversations, and it’s dangerous to delay critical feedback. A good rule of thumb is not waiting more than 24 hours, as the specific details will start to fade away and both the feedback giver and receiver will selectively remember what transpired.
Venture capitalist Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz views a CEO’s ability to give “high-frequency feedback” as a differentiating skill. “You should have an opinion on every forecast, every product plan, every presentation and even every comment,” he has opined. This continuous process will have the added benefit of depersonalizing feedback and creating an environment in which people will feel comfortable discussing bad news.
Horowitz warns against delivering the “shit sandwich” (that is, sandwiching negative feedback between two “slices” of praise) and has a simple rule about where not to give feedback: “Don’t clown people in front of their peers.”
It’s important to remember that talking at people doesn’t bring out their best qualities. Feedback should be welcoming, two-way conversations.  Mark Murphy, a leadership coach and author of Truth at Work: The Science of Delivering Tough Messages, recommends keeping a 50-50 split between questions and statements in a feedback session to avoid the appearance of lecturing.

Make your feedback direct (and radical)
The tension between giving transparent feedback and caring for your direct reports is what makes giving good feedback so difficult. Kim Scott, a former executive at Google and Apple and author of Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss without Losing your Humanity, created a simple 2×2 matrix to navigate this complexity.
Most bosses care about their employees and avoid criticism in favor of being friendly. But Scott views this as a mistake, ones that leaves you in the dreaded quadrant of “ruinous empathy.” It’s better, Scott believes, to be even obnoxiously aggressive. As she argues, “Criticizing your employees when they screw up is not just your job, it’s actually your moral obligation.” The sweet spot in all this is what Scott calls radical candor, where the manager is direct yet caring, and critiques the behavior, not the person. (In one of her best examples of radical candor, Scott recalls being told bluntly by former boss Sheryl Sandberg that her habit of saying “Um” a lot during presentations made her sound stupid.)
Ray Dalio, the founder and chairman of the world’s biggest hedge fund, also likes a radical approach to feedback. Employees at his Bridgewater Associates constantly score one another on iPads that are brought to every meeting. Even if you don’t go to the same extremes, you can probably find some application of the key ideas in Dalio’s obsession with “radical transparency.” Among them: accuracy should trump kindness, and pain will inevitably come with exploring weaknesses.

Know the purpose of your feedback
In Thanks for the Feedback, Heen and Stone identify the three main three types of feedback: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation.
Appreciation is genuinely communicating the message of “I see you, you matter, and the effort you put into your job is noticed.” This kind of feedback has a huge impact on motivation, morale, and commitment—but it’s in chronic short supply in most organizations. Coaching is anything that improves your knowledge and skills to build capability and meet new challenges. And evaluation rates or ranks you, telling you where you stand against a set of expectations, or among your peers.
We need all three types of feedback, but we’re really bad at keeping them in order. For example, Heen and Stone observe, “All too often, feedback that is offered as coaching is heard as evaluation. (‘You’re telling me how to improve, but really, you’re saying you’re not sure I’m cut out for this.’)”
This confusion happens whenever the giver and receiver are misaligned. “The fix? Discuss the purpose of the feedback explicitly. It seems obvious, but even competent, well-meaning people can go their whole lives without ever having this part of the conversation,” write Heen and Stone.
Before giving your feedback, ask yourself three questions:
(1) What’s my purpose in giving this feedback?
(2) Is it the right purpose from my point of view?
(3) Is it the right purpose from the other person’s point of view?

Don’t forget about constructive praise
So, you’ve mastered the art of critical feedback. But that’s only half the battle: Truly excellent managers excel because they also offer constructive praise.
Of the thousands of managers Zenger/Folkman surveyed, a whopping 40% conceded to never giving positive feedback. This is strange (praising people feels so good!) and problematic: The same study found that a boss’s willingness to give positive feedback was the strongest predictor of whether their direct reports perceive them to be effective, honest communicators. (Managers’ comfort giving negative feedback barely influenced this perception.)
Ample research shows that giving positive feedback increases employees’ sense that they’re learning and growing at their jobs, makes them feel valued, and leads to increased confidence and competence. One study found that high-performing teams receive nearly six times more positive feedback than less effective teams—evidence that positive reinforcement really does help the bottom line.
Delivering feedback is hard work, largely because our human-ness can interfere with the message and intent. But when done correctly, it’s a win-win situation—something worthy of constructive praise that will hopefully make its way back to you.

An individual's level of general knowledge is associated with structural brain network connectivity; found fluid intelligence to be best predicted by cortex volume in males functional, network connectivity in females

The Neural Architecture of General Knowledge. Erhan Genç et al. European Journal of Personality, July 28 2019.

The materials are permanently and openly accessible at

Abstract: Cognitive performance varies widely between individuals and is highly influenced by structural and functional properties of the brain. In the past, neuroscientific research was principally concerned with fluid intelligence, while neglecting its equally important counterpart crystallized intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is defined as the depth and breadth of knowledge and skills that are valued by one's culture. The accumulation of crystallized intelligence is guided by information storage capacities and is likely to be reflected in an individual's level of general knowledge. In spite of the significant role general knowledge plays for everyday life, its neural foundation largely remains unknown. In a large sample of 324 healthy individuals, we used standard magnetic resonance imaging along with functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging to examine different estimates of brain volume and brain network connectivity and assessed their predictive power with regard to both general knowledge and fluid intelligence. Our results demonstrate that an individual's level of general knowledge is associated with structural brain network connectivity beyond any confounding effects exerted by age or sex. Moreover, we found fluid intelligence to be best predicted by cortex volume in male subjects and functional network connectivity in female subjects. Combined, these findings potentially indicate different neural architectures for information storage and information processing.

Subjectively, color does not feel like an optional dimension to be extracted only when necessary, but an automatically represented property of our entire visual field; that subjective impression is not true

Cohen, Michael, and Jordan Rubenstein. 2019. “How Much Color Do We See in the Blink of an Eye?.” PsyArXiv. July 28. doi:10.31234/

Abstract: Visual experience is painted in color. A change in hue or saturation can dramatically alter our understanding of a scene and how we feel about it. Subjectively, color does not feel like an optional dimension to be extracted only when necessary, but an automatically represented property of our entire visual field. Here, we ask whether that subjective impression is true. Using a variant of an inattentional blindness paradigm, we showed observers snapshots of colorful scenes when unbeknownst to them, an image was presented that was either desaturated or hue rotated across an overwhelming majority of the images. Although observers fixated on these images long enough to identify and describe them, a large number of observers were completely unaware of these drastic color manipulations. These findings suggest that much of our experience of a colorful world may be a confabulation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Association of Urban Green Space With Mental Health: Not all greenery is best, tree canopy works better

Association of Urban Green Space With Mental Health and General Health Among Adults in Australia. Thomas Astell-Burt, Xiaoqi Feng. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(7):e198209. July 26, 2019, doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.8209

Question  What type of green space is associated with better mental health?
Findings  In this cohort study of 46 786 adults older than 45 years, exposure to 30% or more tree canopy compared with 0% to 9% tree canopy was associated with 31% lower odds of incident psychological distress, whereas exposure to 30% or more grass was associated with 71% higher odds of prevalent psychological distress after adjusting for age, sex, income, economic status, couple status, and educational level. Similar results were found for self-rated fair to poor general health but not physician-diagnosed depression or anxiety.
Meaning  Investments specifically in tree canopy may provide more support for mental health.

Importance  Recent studies indicate that living near more green space may support mental and general health and may also prevent depression. However, most studies are cross-sectional, and few have considered whether some types of green space matter more for mental health.
Objective  To assess whether total green space or specific types of green space are associated with better mental health.
Design, Setting, and Participants  This cohort study included a residentially stable, city-dwelling sample of 46 786 participants from Sydney, Wollongong, and Newcastle, Australia, in the baseline of the Sax Institute’s 45 and Up Study (data collected from January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2009). Follow-up was conducted from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2015. Analyses were conducted in January 2019.
Exposures  Percentage of total green space, tree canopy, grass, and other low-lying vegetation measured within 1.6-km (1-mile) road network distance buffers around residential addresses at baseline.
Main Outcomes and Measures  Three outcome variables were examined at baseline (prevalence) and follow-up (incidence without baseline affirmatives): (1) risk of psychological distress (10-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale), (2) self-reported physician-diagnosed depression or anxiety, and (3) fair to poor self-rated general health.
Results  This study included 46 786 participants (mean [SD] age, 61.0 [10.2] years; 25 171 [53.8%] female). At baseline, 5.1% of 37 775 reported a high risk of psychological distress, 16.0% of 46 786 reported depression or anxiety, and 9.0% of 45 577 reported fair to poor self-rated health. An additional 3.3% of 32 991 experienced psychological distress incidence, 7.5% of 39 277 experienced depression or anxiety incidence, and 7.3% of 40 741 experienced fair to poor self-rated health incidence by follow-up (mean [SD] of 6.2 [1.62] years later). Odds ratios (ORs) adjusted for age, sex, income, economic status, couple status, and educational level indicated that exposures of 30% or more total green space (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.29-0.69) and tree canopy specifically (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.54-0.88) were associated with lower incidence of psychological distress. Exposure to tree canopy of 30% or more, compared with 0% to 9%, was also associated with lower incidence of fair to poor general health (OR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.57-0.80). Exposure to grass of 30% or more, compared with 0% to 4%, was associated with higher odds of incident fair to poor general health (OR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.12-1.91) and prevalent psychological distress (OR, 1.71; 95% CI, 1.25-2.28). Exposure to low-lying vegetation was not consistently associated with any outcome. No green space indicator was associated with prevalent or incident depression or anxiety.
Conclusions and Relevance  Protection and restoration of urban tree canopy specifically, rather than any urban greening, may be a good option for promotion of community mental health.

Check also The Nature-Disorder Paradox: A Perceptual Study on How Nature Is Disorderly Yet Aesthetically Preferred. By Hiroki Kotabe, Omid Kardan & Marc BermanJournal of Experimental Psychology: General,

Men’s mate value is an important factor affecting their tendency to engage in short-term mating: High mate-value men were more likely to adhere to a short-term pluralistic mating strategy

Do high mate-value males adopt a less restricted sociosexual orientation? A meta-analysis. Jessica E. Desrochers, Ashley Locke, Graham Albert, Ben Kelly, Steven Arnocky. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 31st annual meeting. Boston 2019.

Abstract: Due to sex differences in obligatory parental investment males, relative to females, have the potential to benefit more from short-term, pluralistic mating. Yet not all men enact such a mating strategy. Both Sexual Strategies Theory and Strategic Pluralism Theory together suggest that mate value is one important individual difference factor that should directly influence the adoption of longer-term versus shorter-term mating. It has previously been hypothesized that high mate value men should be most likely to adopt a short-term mating strategy. Yet evidence to support such a link has been mixed. We conducted a meta-analysis with all available data in order to obtain a better representation of the true nature of the relationship between self-perceived mate value and sociosexual orientation scores and to determine whether there may be a publication bias regarding this link. Although explained variance in SOI-R ranged as high as 39% in individual studies, a meta-analysis suggested that self-report mate value accounts for roughly 6% of the variance in men’s sociosexual orientation. Findings provide compelling evidence that men’s mate value is an important factor affecting their tendency to engage in short-term mating: High mate-value men were more likely to adhere to a short-term pluralistic mating strategy, as demonstrated by their higher SOIR scores.

Predicting Personality Traits From Physical Activity Intensity

Predicting Personality Traits From Physical Activity Intensity. IEEE Computer, vol 52, issue 7. Nan Gao et al.

Abstract: Call and messaging logs from mobile devices have successfully been used to predict personality traits. Yet accelerometer data have not been applied for this purpose. Here we used accelerometer data, along with data from call and messaging logs, to predict five key personality traits.

The orgasm gap and what sex-ed did not teach you

The orgasm gap and what sex-ed did not teach you. MENAFN, Monday, July 29 2019 01:24 GMT.

(MENAFN - The Conversation) There is a clear disparity between men and women when it comes to achieving orgasm; a phenomenon scientists call the orgasm gap.
Studying orgasms is no easy task. We work as psychology of sexual behaviour researchers in the lab ofDr. James Pfausat Concordia University and were interested to explore the'controversy'of clitoral versus vaginal orgasms.
We conducted a literature review on the current state of the evidence and different perspectives on how this phenomenon occurs in women. Particularly, the nature of a woman's orgasm has been a source of scientific, political and cultural debate for over a century. Althoughscience has an ideaof what orgasms are, we are still quite uncertain as to how they occur.
Orgasms areone of the few phenomena that occur as a result of a highly complex interaction of several physiological and psychological systems all at once. While there may be evolutionary reasons whymen aremore likely to orgasm during sex, we shouldn't doom ourselves to this idea. Indeed, part of the problem lies in what happens in the bedroom.
We all have different preferences when it comes to what we like in bed. But one commonality we share is that we know when we orgasm and when we do not. We don't always orgasm every time we have sex, and that can be just fine, because we may have sex for many different reasons. However, studies repeatedly show that women reach climax less often than men do during sexual encounters together.
For example, a national survey conducted in the United States showed thatwomen reported one orgasm for every three from men . Heterosexual males said they achieved orgasm usually or always during sexual intimacy, 95 per cent of the time.
The gap appears to become narrower among homosexual and bisexual people, where 89 per cent of gay males, 88 per cent bisexual males, 86 per cent lesbian women, and 66 per cent of bisexual women orgasm during sexual interactions.
When we take a closer look at what might explain the orgasm gap, we can see the type of relationship we have with our partner matters. If you are in an established committed relationship, thegap tends to close , but it widens during casual sex.
That is, women in a committed relationship report reaching an orgasm as often as 86 per cent of the time, whereas women in casual sex encounters report they orgasm only 39 per cent of the time. Furthermore, heterosexual women achieve orgasm easily and regularly through masturbation.
Likewise, the more knowledge about the female genitalia (especially about the clitoris) the partner has, the higher the likelihood is for women to orgasm more frequently. Finally, and most importantly, the respondents reported the most reliable practice to achieve an orgasm for women is oral sex.
We don't know why this gap occurs in casual sex versus sex in a committed relationship, but part of it might be how we communicate what we want sexually, what we expect sexually and attitudes toward sexual pleasure.

What sex-ed did not teach you
Formal education teaches us a vast amount of relevant topics in school, yet sexual education has been and is still a matter of (moral) debate. For many of us, sexual education covered reproductive biology and how not to get pregnant or contract sexually transmitted infections.
Sex-ed has been focusedon preventing kids from having sex. 'Always use condoms' was sometimes the most progressive sex-ed message. Education is now progressing into teaching what sex is about and how to engage in ethical and respectful sex, but that is still not the whole picture.How about pleasure or how to have fun and to explore what we like , how to communicate to our partners and many other crucial aspects of intimate life?
The key to the ultimate goal of enjoying ourselves is to know what you and your partner want and how to satisfy each other. Consequently, incomplete and biased sex education fails both men and women, omitting the fact sex is not only for reproduction but also for enjoyment.
Maybe the first thing we should learn about sex is that it is one of the favourite pastimes of adults. Preventing it from happening will only increase the likelihood of future generations engaging in it more, only with less knowledge about to how get the most out of it.

Some advice for sexual partners

[full text at the link above]


Friend or foe: How familiarity of the competition affects female intrasexual competition

Friend or foe: How familiarity of the competition affects female intrasexual competition. Ella R. Doss, Emily Sophia Olson, Carin Perilloux. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 31st annual meeting. Boston 2019.

Abstract: Evolutionary psychologists have studied female intrasexual competition, but there has been little research investigating specific contextual factors that affect women’s degree of intrasexual competitiveness. In the current study, female MTurk users (N = 203) between the ages of 18 and 25 read a vignette describing an upcoming party and chose an outfit they would potentially wear to it. Within the vignette, we manipulated the presence of a male crush, the familiarity of a female party companion (close friend or acquaintance), and the relative attractiveness of the companion and measured the sexiness and revealingness of clothing choices. We calculated overall revealingness and sexiness scores for each outfit by averaging ratings obtained from a separate sample (N = 100). As predicted, women told to imagine attending the party with a close friend chose the same degree of revealing clothing, regardless if their crush would be present at the party or not. However, women asked to imagine attending the party with an acquaintance chose significantly more revealing clothing if a crush was present than absent. These findings indicate that women’s intrasexual competition mechanisms are complex and appear to take into account both familiarity of rivals and presence of potential mates.

Taiwan, 1 mn siblings: Parental divorce occurring at ages 13-18 led to a 10.6 percent decrease in the likelihood of university admission; parental job loss occurring at the same ages have very little effect

Understanding the Mechanisms of Parental Divorce Effects on Child's Higher Education. Yen-Chien Chen, Elliott Fan, Jin-Tan Liu. NBER Working Paper No. 25886, May 2019.

Abstract: In this paper we evaluate the degree to which the adverse parental divorce effect on university education operates through deprivation of economic resources. Using one million siblings from Taiwan, we first find that parental divorce occurring at ages 13-18 led to a 10.6 percent decrease in the likelihood of university admission at age 18. We then use the same sample to estimate the effect of parental job loss occurring at the same ages, and use the job-loss effect as a benchmark to indicate the potential parental divorce effect due to family income loss. We find the job-loss effect very little. Combined, these results imply a minor role played by reduced income in driving the parental divorce effect on the child’s higher education outcome. Non-economic mechanisms, such as psychological and mental shocks, are more likely to dominate. Our further examinations show that boys and girls are equally susceptible, and younger teenagers are more vulnerable than the more mature ones, to parental divorce.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Intuitions on ownership: The Achuar speakers of Amazonian Ecuador and English speakers of the USA

Cross cultural intuitions on ownership. Ulises J Espinoza, H. Clark Barrett. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 31st annual meeting. Boston 2019.

Abstract: Property and ownership claims and the array of ways in which they are operationalized comprise a large portion of our cognitive attention; on a day to day basis there is a need to know what to buy, sell, share, borrow, dispute over, and render away. Contemporary work in psychology suggests that intuitions of ownership emerge early in childhood, independently of acculturation; first possession claims to items by children as early as 9 months old. There remains much that is not yet known about the psychology of ownership and how it plays out in particular cultural settings. To evaluate how different possible domains considered to be owned are morally assessed, Achuar speakers from Amazonian Ecuador and English speakers from the United States were given a set of vignettes designed to assess how judgments of ownership depend on the type of resource in question, and how it came to be acquired. These vignettes were designed to be minimally culturally laden and of similar cross-cultural interest. Initial analyses of how domains of ownership are morally assessed are presented, emphasis being placed on rights, duties, and obligations of the (potential) owners across different domains of ownership.

Female leadership in an egalitarian society (the Chuba of Ethiopia)

Female leadership in an egalitarian society. Zachary H. Garfield, Edward H. Hagen. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 31st annual meeting. Boston 2019.

Abstract: Female leadership is receiving increased attention from researchers across the social and biological sciences, including evolutionary scholars. Very few studies, however, have systematically investigated female leadership or sex/gender differences in leadership among small-scale, gender-egalitarian societies. Evolutionary theories of leadership, which draw heavily on studies of contemporary hunter-gatherer and other small-scale societies, have proposed numerous traits that putatively characterize leaders in domains of sociality, productivity, reproduction, dominance, and cognition. We tested preregistered hypotheses and investigated many such traits among elected female leaders among the Chabu, an Ethiopian population of former hunter-gatherers who now subsist on hunting, gathering, horticulture, and cash crops. There were strong positive correlations among most traits, which, in turn, were positively associated with elected leader status among women. One clear exception to this pattern was dominance, which seemed to preclude women from leadership positions. Despite a history and relative persistence of egalitarianism, including gender-egalitarianism, Chabu women face constraints in their ability employ dominance-based leadership strategies that men do not, a pattern consistent with broader political institutions crossculturally, especially among Western societies. Revised evolutionary theories of leadership must account for the importance of women leaders and the strong covariation of traits.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Germany: Sales of green cars continue to decline; the high-consumption SUVs and off-road vehicles again lead the new registration statistics with a 21pct increase in registration

New cars: Sales of green efficiency classes continue to decline. dena Press release, Berlin. Jul 25 2019.

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dena monitoring report: Trend towards SUVs and off-road vehicles continues uninterrupted / Average CO2 emissions increase

Despite the climate protection debate, low-emission passenger cars in the German new car market are not getting through enough to reduce CO 2 emissions in the automotive sector. The share of vehicles with the best efficiency ratings fell by around 5 percent in 2018, while the number of newly registered cars with a total of more than 3.4 million remained at the previous year's level. At the same time, the trend towards high-consumption SUVs and off-road vehicles continues unabated. These will lead to the new registration statistics in 2018 as well. This is one reason why the average CO 2 emissions of newly registered passenger cars increased by almost 2 percent. This continues the negative development in CO 2 emissions and the distribution of CO 2 efficiency classes. These are the main findings of the dena monitoring report on the development of new registrations of CO 2 -efficient passenger cars in 2018.

"In the midst of an intensely conducted social debate on climate protection, we note that sales of green efficiency classes are falling and that the average CO 2 emissions of new cars continue to increase. That should make politics, manufacturers and consumers think and be a wake-up call, "says Andreas Kuhlmann, chairman of dena's management. "In order to achieve climate protection goals in transport, framework conditions must be created urgently, which make the purchase of low-emission and emission-free vehicles attractive. At the same time, the trend towards high-consumption vehicles must be counteracted. Coupling company car taxation and the private purchase of passenger cars with their CO 2 emissions can be an effective step in this direction. However, this system should be revenue-neutral, possibly through the inclusion of bonus-penalty schemes. Also, fuels should be taxed more heavily depending on their CO 2 intensity. Because the low-consumption vehicles that are new to the market today are also a guarantee for the affordable individual mobility of the future. "

Share of energy-efficient cars drops below 70 percent
In 2018, only 69 percent of all newly registered cars belonged to one of the green efficiency classes (A +, A, B). In 2017 there were still 72.8 percent and in 2016 still 74.4 percent. The examination of new registrations by segment confirms the negative trend: in 2017, the efficiency classes A +, A and B still accounted for more than 80 percent of five segments. By 2018, the share of the hyper-midsize segment was highest at 76 percent, followed by the middle class at 71.9 percent and the upper middle class at 71.6 percent.

SUVs achieve the highest increase with 21 percent
Together, the high-consumption SUVs and off-road vehicles again lead the new registration statistics. SUVs achieve the highest increase with 21 percent, off-road vehicles only two percent. In the compact car category, the negative trend continues with a decline of another 5.9 percent (755,498 cars, down from 47,501 units compared to 2017).

CO 2 emissions and consumption: significant increase compared to the previous year
In total, newly registered passenger cars in 2018 consumed 5.7 liters of gasoline or 5.1 liters of diesel per 100 kilometers, according to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Thus, the average CO 2 emissions of newly registered passenger cars increased by 1.9 percent to 130.3 g CO 2 / km (2017: 127.9 g CO 2 / km). One reason for this is the high number of registrations of SUVs and off-road vehicles, which average 134.3 g CO 2 / km (2017: 133.2 g CO 2 / km) and 163.1 g CO 2 / km (2017: 159 , 2 g CO 2 / km) emitted. In addition, since 1 September 2018, the NEDC values ​​have been recalculated from the new WLTP test procedure, leading on average to increased values. The average CO 2 emissions of German new registrations, at 9.9 g CO 2 / km, once again exceed the European fleet average of 120.4 g CO 2 / km.

Trend continues in 2019
In the first five months of 2019, the segment of SUVs and off-road vehicles grew again by 17.5 or 12.7 percent. In the pan-European mix, an average emissions value of the new vehicle fleet of 95 g CO 2 / km is to be achieved in 2020. This would correspond to an average consumption of 3.6 liters of diesel or 4.1 liters of gas per 100 kilometers. In view of the increasing popularity of emission-intensive vehicles, this goal is hardly achievable, according to dena, without changing the political framework conditions and corresponding sales strategies of the manufacturers.
The monitoring report "Development of new registrations of CO 2 -efficient passenger cars 2018" was prepared by the dena initiative "Information platform car label". The basis was the current car registration data from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). The fuel consumption was calculated according to the measurement cycle NEDC. The information platform Passenger Car Label is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
After switching to the new WLTP test cycle in September 2018, around 12 percent of the vehicles (407,263 cars without RVs) could not be assigned to any efficiency class. According to Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt, however, these deficits have no significant influence on the average CO 2 emissions. This effect was taken into account when calculating the figures for energy efficiency classes.

Full text & charts in the link above

Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy lost its superiority over Supportive Psychotherapy after two years

Two-Year Follow-Up after Treatment with the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy versus Supportive Psychotherapy for Early-Onset Chronic Depression. E
Schramm et al. Psychother Psychosom 2019;88:154–164.

Background: Evidence on the long-term efficacy of psychotherapeutic approaches for chronic depression is scarce.

Objective: To evaluate the effects of the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) compared to Supportive Psychotherapy (SP) 1 year and 2 years after treatment termination.

Methods: In this study, we present 1- and 2-year follow-up assessments of a prospective, multicenter, evaluator-blinded, randomized clinical trial of outpatients with early-onset chronic major depression (n = 268). The initial treatment included 32 sessions of CBASP or SP over 48 weeks. The primary outcome was the rate of “well weeks” (Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation; no/minimal symptoms) after 1 year and 2 years. The secondary outcomes were, among others, clinician- and self-rated depressive symptoms, response/remission rates, and quality of life.

Results: Of the 268 randomized patients, 207 (77%) participated in the follow-up. In the intention-to-treat analysis, there was no statistically significant difference between CBASP and SP patients in experiencing well weeks (CBASP: mean [SD] of 48.6 [36.9] weeks; SP: 39.0 [34.8]; rate ratio 1.26, 95% CI 0.99–1.59, p = 0.057, d = 0.18) and in remission rates (CBASP: 1 year 40%, 2 years 40.2%; SP: 1 year 28.9%, 2 years 33%) in the 2 years after treatment. Statistically significant effects were found in favor of CBASP 1 year after treatment termination regarding the rate of well weeks, self-rated depressive symptoms, and depression-related quality of life.

Conclusions: CBASP lost its superiority over SP at some point between the first and the second year. This suggests the necessity of maintenance treatment for early-onset chronically depressed patients remitted with CBASP during the acute therapy phase, as well as the sequential integration of other treatment strategies, including medication for those who did not reach remission.

Keywords: Chronic depressionPsychotherapyRandomized controlled trialFollow-upCognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy

Children of gay fathers received significantly lower scores on internalizing (anxiety, depression) & externalizing (aggression, rule-breaking); daughters had significantly lower internalizing scores

Green, R.-J., Rubio, R. J., Rothblum, E. D., Bergman, K., & Katuzny, K. E. (2019). Gay fathers by surrogacy: Prejudice, parenting, and well-being of female and male children. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 6(3), 269-283.

Abstract: This research focused on behavioral functioning of children conceived via gestational surrogacy and raised by gay fathers. Gay fathers from 68 families with children aged 3–10 years completed the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. Their scores were compared to those from a normative sample of parents matched for parent’s occupation and children’s gender, age, and race/ethnicity. Children of gay fathers received significantly lower scores on internalizing (anxiety, depression) and externalizing (aggression, rule-breaking) than children in the comparison sample. Most notably, daughters of gay fathers had significantly lower internalizing scores than did daughters in the national database. Gay fathers also completed measures of parenting styles, social support, and perceived prejudice. Fathers who reported less authoritarian or permissive parenting, more positive coparenting, and more social support from friends had children with fewer behavior problems. Gay fathers’ reports of family members receiving higher levels of antigay microaggressions were associated with parents’ greater stigma consciousness, more anger/aggression from spouse/partner, and less positive parenting and coparenting. Results are discussed in terms of gay and heterosexual parents’ gender-related socialization of daughters’ internalizing problems and the impact of minority stress on same-sex couples’ parenting.

Why would same-sex parents have children whose behavioral functioning is sometimes better than the functioning of heterosexual parents’ children? One possible reason is that male-male and female-female parents who have children in the context of a same-sex relationship do not get pregnant by accident. By contrast, surveys of women in the general population indicate that 45% of pregnancies in the United States are unintended (this includes pregnancies that are terminated; Finer & Zolna, 2016). Obviously, many unintended pregnancies of heterosexual parents result in children who are very much loved and nurtured; however, many other such children remain unwanted. By contrast, in the case of same-sex parents, having children via surrogacy always involves extensive effort, planning, and very high financial costs. These children are very much wanted. Thus, a group of gay fathers via surrogacy may start out with a higher level of planning ability and greater commitment to having children than a normative group of parents in the general population may have, which in turn could contribute to these gay fathers’ better parenting and better child outcomes overall.

Our results were mostly consistent with the second hypothesis—that positive couple interaction and more effective parenting styles would be associated with more positive functioning among children. These findings indicate that gay fathers who report utilizing more permissive or authoritarian styles of parenting—and who engage in less positive coparenting—have children with more internalizing and externalizing problems. These results are similar to findings from studies of different-sex parents who use more authoritarian and permissive parenting styles and have less positive coparenting (cf. Darling, 1999; and McHale & Lindahl, 2011 for reviews). In this regard, the determinants of child outcomes seem similar in many different types of families. The processes and quality of parenting appear to be more important to children’s well-being than does a family’s composition (whether the family is headed by same-sex male or female coparents, single parents, stepparents, grandparents, etc.).

Are people who create or consume art more prosocial (e.g., more likely to volunteer and make charitable donations)? It seems they are.

Kou, X., Konrath, S., & Goldstein, T. R. (2019). The relationship among different types of arts engagement, empathy, and prosocial behavior. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts,

Abstract: The arts have long been promoted as helping people learn and care about situations and people other than themselves. However, large-scale research on this question is sparse. The current paper uses four national datasets to examine how arts engagement is associated with prosocial traits and behaviors. We ask the following: Are people who create or consume art more prosocial (e.g., more likely to volunteer and make charitable donations)? Does this depend upon art genre (visual arts, performing arts, or literature)? Does engaging in the arts at one time predict prosocial behavior 7 years later? And vice versa? We include sociodemographic and health controls to rule out confounds. To date, this is the most comprehensive investigation of how arts engagement is associated with prosocial behavior, and has implications for theory and practice.

Found a preference for more trustworthy-looking faces when participants considered a long-term versus a short-term relationship; social anxiety correlated positively with trustworthiness preferences

Carrito, M. L., Santos, I. M., Bem-Haja, P., Lopes, A. A., Silva, C. F., & Perrett, D. I. (2019). The attractive side of trustworthiness: Effects of relationship context and social interaction anxiety on face preferences. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences,

Abstract: Previous studies have highlighted the influence of conditional mating strategies in attractiveness preferences. “Good genes” and dominance cues are perceived as attractive when considering short-term relationships. In contrast, cues for better parenting abilities and trustworthiness are considered more attractive when participants ponder a long-term relationship. We investigated women’s and men’s attractiveness preferences in other-sex faces that were structurally altered along a continuum of apparent trustworthiness. Faces were adjusted in shape toward the perceived trustworthy–untrustworthy extremes defined on the basis of previously created prototypes. We anticipated that perceived trustworthiness would be more important for long-term than short-term relationships because of the greater costs of exploitation. Also, we explored individual differences in preferences, anticipating that participants with high social interaction anxiety would prefer more trustworthy-looking faces. As expected, we found a preference for more trustworthy-looking faces when participants considered a long-term versus a short-term relationship. Social interaction anxiety correlated positively with trustworthiness preferences, probably reflecting an avoidance response in anxious individuals, induced by untrustworthy cues. Collectively, these findings constitute novel evidence of the influence of individual differences in mate choice–relevant face preferences.

Brain regions in response to character feedback associated with the state self-esteem

Brain regions in response to character feedback associated with the state self-esteem. Maoying Peng et al.  Biological Psychology, July 25 2019, 107734.

• We found that participants reported higher state self-esteem following the character feedback irrespective of valence, compared with the appearance feedback.
• And the dorsal striatum was more activated in response to SCP and the lateral prefrontal cortex was more activated in response to the SCN compared to the appearance feedback.
• Moreover, the activation of dorsal striatum was significantly correlated with the difference scores of people’s reported state self-esteem after receiving SCP versus SAP, and the activation of LPFC was significantly correlated with the difference scores of people’s reported state self-esteem after receiving SCN versus SAN.

Abstract: Research on the Sociometer theory of self-esteem have demonstrated that manipulations of interpersonal appraisal reliably influence an individual’s state self-esteem and that state levels of self-esteem correlate very highly with perceived acceptance and rejection. However, how social feedback from different sources (e.g., appearance vs. character) affect the state self-esteem and its neural underpinnings have not been explored. To address this, participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while viewing either appearance-related feedback words or character-related feedback words, and for each feedback word, they were asked to rate their state self-esteem. Results showed that participants reported a higher state self-esteem following character feedback, irrespective of valence, than that following appearance feedback. Moreover, fMRI results demonstrated that the left caudate tail was more activated in response to positive character feedback and the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), dorsal anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and precuneus were more activated in response to negative character feedback than in response to appearance feedback. Moreover, activation of the left caudate tail was significantly correlated with the difference in participant’s reported state self-esteem scores after receiving positive character feedback versus that after receiving positive appearance feedback. Further, activation of the LPFC was significantly correlated with a difference in participant’s reported state self-esteem scores after receiving negative character feedback versus that after receiving negative appearance feedback. These findings suggest a reward-related mechanism when processing positive social feedback and a self-critical processing when processing the negative social feedback on an important aspect of self-concept (e.g., character-related).

Keywords: state self-esteemcharacter feedbackappearance feedbackfMRIcaudatelateral prefrontal cortex

The More You Have, the More You Want? Higher Social Class Predicts a Greater Desire for Wealth and Status

The More You Have, the More You Want? Higher Social Class Predicts a Greater Desire for Wealth and Status. Zhechen Wang  Jolanda Jetten  Niklas K. Steffens. European Journal of Social Psychology, July 25 2019.

Abstract: Traditional theories have focused on the intentions of lower‐class individuals to climb on the social ladder, yet they have paid relatively little attention to the motivations of upper‐class individuals to ascend even higher. Addressing this issue, Studies 1 and 2 provided cross‐national evidence that higher social class is associated with a greater desire for wealth and status. Moreover, by manipulating perceived social class, Studies 3 and 5 experimentally confirmed that compared to people in the lower‐class group, those in the upper‐class group express a stronger desire for wealth and status. Furthermore, in line with self‐categorization theory predictions, Studies 3‐5 showed that upper‐class individuals tend to see and use wealth and status as important attributes in defining and categorizing self, and such tendency explains the effect of social class on desire for wealth and status. Together, our findings demonstrate a “having more—wanting more” relationship, and its consequences are further discussed.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

General belief superiority (GBS)—the tendency for people to think their beliefs are superior to alternatives— is mostly a male phenomenon

General belief superiority (GBS): Personality, motivation, and interpersonal relations. Kaitlin T. Raimi & Katrina P. Jongman-Sereno. Self and Identity, Jul 24 2019.

ABSTRACT: This paper introduces general belief superiority (GBS)—the tendency for people to think their beliefs are superior to alternatives—and investigates its personological, motivational, and interpersonal features. Across four studies of US residents, a new GBS Scale found that GBS was related to how people process information, think about their attitudes, compare themselves to others, and interact during conflicts. GBS correlated with various existing constructs (e.g., social vigilantism, narcissism), but was unrelated to others (e.g., selfishness). Study 2 established test-retest reliability and found that the belief superior have negative thoughts about controversial topics and are more likely to share opinions online. Study 3 found GBS predicted maladaptive reactions to conflicts with romantic partners. Gender differences and self-enhancement motivations in belief superiority are discussed.

KEYWORDS: Belief superiority, social vigilantism, self-enhancement, relationships, gender differences

Perpetrators of discrimination are held less accountable and often seen as less worthy of punishment when their behavior is attributed to implicit rather than to explicit bias

Consequences of attributing discrimination to implicit vs. explicit bias. Natalie M. Daumeyer et al. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 84, September 2019, 103812.

Abstract: Implicit bias has garnered considerable public attention, with a number of behaviors (e.g., police shootings) attributed to it. Here, we present the results of 4 studies and an internal meta-analysis that examine how people reason about discrimination based on whether it was attributed to the implicit or explicit attitudes of the perpetrators. Participants' perceptions of perpetrator accountability, support for punishment, level of concern about the bias, and support for various efforts to reduce it (e.g., education) were assessed. Taken together, the results suggest that perpetrators of discrimination are held less accountable and often seen as less worthy of punishment when their behavior is attributed to implicit rather than to explicit bias. Moreover, at least under some circumstances, people express less concern about, and are less likely to support efforts to combat, implicit compared with explicit bias. Implications for efforts to communicate the science of implicit bias without undermining accountability for the discrimination it engenders are discussed.

Keywords: Implicit biasBias attributionAccountabilityScience communication

The Terrifying Rise of Authoritarian Populism

The Terrifying Rise of Authoritarian Populism. Tom G. Palmer. Cato, Jul 24 2019.
This article appeared in the September 2019 Issue of Reason.

Governments described as populist are now in power in Poland, Hungary, Mexico, and Turkey. Italy and Greece are governed by multiparty populist coalitions, while populists of the left or right are partners in coalition governments in seven other European Union countries. Venezuela is in free fall thanks to the confiscationist policies of a populist government. Brazil has an outspoken populist president. And the ongoing Trumpist takeover of the Republican Party isn’t just a populist spectacle in itself; it has also helped fuel a surge of left-wing populism among the Democrats. Those movements espouse a variety of programs across a wide range of political landscapes. What do they have in common?

Historians and political scientists have argued for decades about what exactly populism is, and they haven’t always come to the same conclusions. The political theorist Isaiah Berlin warned in 1967 that “a single formula to cover all populisms everywhere will not be very helpful. The more embracing the formula, the less descriptive. The more richly descriptive the formula, the more it will exclude.” Nonetheless, Berlin identified a core populist idea: the notion that an authentic “true people” have been “damaged by an elite, whether economic, political, or racial, some kind of secret or open enemy.”

The exact nature of that enemy—“foreign or native, ethnic or social”—doesn’t matter, Berlin adds. What fuels populist politics is that concept of the people battling the elite.

The Princeton political scientist Jan-Werner Müller proposes another characteristic: “In addition to being antielitist, populists are always antipluralist,” he argues in 2016’s What Is Populism? (University of Pennsylvania Press). “Populists claim that they, and they alone, represent the people.” In that formulation, the key to understanding populism is that “the people” does not include all the people. It excludes “the enemies of the people,” who may be specified in various ways: foreigners, the press, minorities, financiers, the “1 percent,” or others seen as not being “us.”

Donald Trump casually expressed that concept while running for president, declaring: “The only important thing is the unification of the people, because the other people don’t mean anything.” During the Brexit campaign, Nigel Farage, then-leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, predicted “a victory for real people.” Apparently, those who voted against Brexit didn’t just lose; they weren’t real people to begin with.

Not every formulation of populism looks like that. The historian Walter Nugent, for example, argued in 1963’s The Tolerant Populists that America’s historical Populist Party was no more anti-pluralist than its opponents. In Populism’s Power, released the same year as Müller’s book, the Wellesley political scientist Laura Grattan offered a definition of populism that has room for pluralist, inclusive movements. But it is the Berlin-Müller brand of populism that is currently surging in Ankara, Budapest, and Washington, threatening individual liberty, free markets, the rule of law, constitutionalism, the free press, and liberal democracy.

The policies promoted by those governments vary, but they reject two related ideas. One is pluralism, the idea that people are variegated, with different interests and values that need to be negotiated through democratic political processes. The other is liberalism—not in the narrow American sense of the political center-left, but the broader belief that individuals have rights and the state’s power should be limited to protect those rights.

Populists can be “of the left,” but they need not be motivated by Marxian ideas of class conflict or central planning. They can be “of the right,” but they are distinctly different from old-school reactionaries who yearn for a lost world of ordered hierarchies; if anything, they tend to dissolve old-fashioned classes and social orders into the undifferentiated mass of The People. Or they can reject the left/right spectrum altogether. As the French populist leader Marine Le Pen put it in 2015, “Now the split isn’t between the left and the right but between the globalists and the patriots.”

Populists frequently believe that the true will of the authentic people is focused in one leader. Hugo Chávez, Venezuela’s late populist president, put it bluntly: “Chávez is no longer me! Chávez is a people! Chávez—we are millions. You are also Chávez! Venezuelan woman, you are also Chávez! Young Venezuelan, you are Chávez! Venezuelan child, you are Chávez! Venezuelan soldier, you are Chávez! Fisherman, farmer, peasant, merchant! Because Chávez is not me. Chávez is a people!” Turkey’s leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, once responded to a lone opposition voice by thundering, “We are the people! Who are you?” And then there’s Donald Trump’s less dramatic declaration that “I am your voice!”

Populists may seek power by democratic means, but that does not make them liberal. They often campaign against limits on the power of the people, especially independent judiciaries and other checks on the executive. Populists can be socialist or nationalist or both, they can be “pro-business” (crony capitalist) or “pro-labor” (crony unionist), but they share the idea that society must be put under some sort of control, exercised by a leader or a party that represents the true people and is fighting against their enemies.

The Children of Carl Schmitt

Antagonism, thus, is foundational to the populist mentality. And the central theorist of antagonism was Carl Schmitt, a German philosopher of the Nazi era—he is sometimes called the “crown jurist of the Third Reich”—who has had a strong influence on both the hard left and the hard right.
In The Concept of the Political (1932), a relentless critique of classical liberalism and constitutional democracy, Schmitt sought to displace the ideal of voluntary cooperation with the idea of conflict. The “specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced,” Schmitt wrote, “is that between friend and enemy.” The contemporary theorists who have taken this notion up include the left-wing populist Chantal Mouffe and her husband, Ernesto Laclau, author of On Populist Reason (2005).

Laclau, whose ideas have influenced populist governments in Greece and Argentina and populist opposition movements across Latin America and Europe, applies Schmittian thinking directly. Indeed, he goes further than Schmitt, treating enmity per se as the very principle of power. Where Schmitt, a virulent anti-Semite, identified the Jews as the perpetual enemy, Laclau’s hostility can be directed against anyone.

For Laclau, a populist movement is a collection of otherwise unrelated unmet “demands” aggregated by manipulative populist leaders. The demands are all different, but they are unified in a movement that constitutes “the people.” The designation of “the enemy of the people” is a strategic matter, a means of assembling a coalition powerful enough to be united under a leader for the purpose of seizing state power.

The final and most toxic ingredient is “affective investment”—that is, emotional engagement. What unites the otherwise disparate and inchoate demands, Laclau says, is the group’s adoration of the leader and hatred of the enemy.

Íñigo Errejón, a leader of the leftist Podemos populist party in Spain and an enthusiastic defender of Venezuela’s regime, builds his populism explicitly on the idea that collectivities are created by positing an enemy against which the people must struggle. In his case, the enemy is “the casta, the privileged.” When asked who the casta are, Errejón responded: “The term’s mobilizing power comes precisely from its lack of definition. It’s like asking: Who’s the oligarchy? Who’s the people? They are statistically undefinable. I think these are the poles with greatest performative capacity.”
Mouffe described the choice of target as essential to building the “sort of people we want to build.”

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

The old standby explanation of populism is that it is a predictable response to economic oppression. Thus, the socialist pundit John Judis argues in 2016’s The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed American and European Politics that populism rose in response to “the skewed distribution of jobs and income that neoliberal economics had created over the prior decades.”

Yet populists have surged in popularity or come to power in countries with very dissimilar economic conditions, including some with low unemployment and relatively high economic growth. Nor is the rise of populism a matter of age, with older people supporting right-wing nationalist populists and younger people supporting liberal cosmopolitanism: Plenty of young people have been voting for populist parties and candidates. Nor is the populist vote explained robustly by income levels.

The British political scientists Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin point out in their 2018 book National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (Pelican) that a common driver in “national populism” is not falling wages but “relative deprivation—a sense that the wider group, whether white Americans or native Brits, is being left behind relative to others in society, while culturally liberal politicians, media and celebrities devote far more attention and status to immigrants, ethnic minorities and other newcomers.” Rapid change in the status of groups, notably through immigration, causes many people to experience relative downward mobility and to feel that the status of their group is threatened. When Britain voted to withdraw from the European Union, Eatwell and Goodwin write, polling data showed Remainers “talking endlessly about economic risks while Leavers were chiefly concerned about perceived threats to their identity and national groups.” (Brexit is a complex question, of course, and some classical liberals supported it because they feared an unaccountable E.U. bureaucracy. But the movement for Brexit was driven far more by populist concerns than by liberal ones.)

In the U.S., a deciding factor in Trump’s victory was the estimated 9 percent of voters who cast ballots for Obama in 2012 and then switched to Trump, according to survey data analyzed by George Washington University political scientist John Sides. Among white Obama voters who had not been to college, the share who later voted for Trump was a whopping 22 percent. As that past support for Obama suggests, their votes for Trump can’t be reduced to a simple story of racial backlash. Nor was it a simple matter of economics: For the most part, those voters’ incomes and living standards are higher than those of their parents.

But a common motivation for their support for Trump seems to be insecurity about their social status. A 2016 Brookings Institution survey showed that 66 percent of non-college-schooled American whites “agree that discrimination against whites is as big a problem today as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.” Anxiety about status—in this case a perception of an inversion of the status quo—seems to be a major factor, certainly much bigger than ideological racism. As political scientist Karen Stenner argued based on extensive data in her 2005 book The Authoritarian Dynamic, threats to “collective rather than individual conditions” trigger authoritarian “groupiness,” i.e., populism.

Here’s where classical liberals need to do some serious thinking. A mainstay of arguments for free markets is that when people’s incomes rise at different rates, the important thing is that they’re all rising. Even most left-wing egalitarians accept some inequality, as long as it’s necessary for the poor to become less poor. The philosopher John Rawls argued in A Theory of Justice, for instance, that inequalities can be just if they are to the “greatest benefit of the least advantaged,” because then, even the least well off could not complain. But human beings are concerned about more than how well they’re doing relative to how well they did in the past. They also care about how well they’re doing compared to others. They care about hierarchies and social status.

Relative status is quite different from absolute well-being. Libertarians have for many years celebrated the rise in status of women, racial minorities, immigrants, openly gay people, and others who had for very long periods of time suffered from low social status. Well, when it comes to relative social status, if some rose, others had to fall. And who perceived themselves as falling? White men without college degrees.

It isn’t just onetime outsiders rising in comparative status. As Charles Murray lays out in his 2012 book Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, a decline in our collective emphasis on certain traditional virtues—hard work, marriage, and the like—has opened a gulf between college-schooled elites and high-schooled nonelites. The resentment felt by one side of the divide is, unfortunately, often matched by the arrogance and condescension shown by the other, which merely accentuates the resentment.

Similar divisions are happening in other countries as well, and they seem to be a major driver of populist sentiment. Pew Research Center surveys conducted in 2017 in 15 countries identified ethnocentrism and perceptions of national decline as characteristic of populist voters. In Germany, for example, 44 percent of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party’s supporters say that life is worse than it was 50 years ago for people like them, compared to only 16 percent of other Germans. While data vary across countries and, as Berlin pointed out in 1967, no one factor can explain all populist movements, such fears of national decline and group status are common, especially in Europe and the U.S. The most important driver in Europe and the U.S. seems to be immigration and what Eatwell and Goodwin in National Populism call “hyper ethnic change”—that is, rapid change in the ethnic mix of a society, with multiple ethnicities joining the social order. (Some Americans have experienced feelings of dislocation and threat to their place in society upon seeing that their old Piggly Wiggly store has been replaced by a mercado with Mexican flags. It’s not the experience of ethnic pluralism that seems to be the problem but the fear that other ethnicities will eventually displace them.)

The percentage of U.S. residents who were foreign-born reached 13.7 percent in 2017, the highest percentage since 1910, when it was 14.7 percent. Moreover, since the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, which abolished national quotas and favored family reunions, higher percentages of immigrants have been coming from Asia, Africa, Central America, and the Middle East, accentuating ethnic differences with the native-born population.

The Alternative for Germany, which started as a movement against the euro and has morphed into a populist anti-immigrant party, has drawn increasing support from less-schooled voters from the former states of East Germany. Such voters perceive their status as having fallen in recent decades, and they fear immigration far more than do more-schooled voters and those in the Western part of the country, which has seen far more immigration. In fact, the AfD support was strongest in those regions of the East that had seen the least population growth due to migration; people in those places feel that they are being left behind, and they blame immigrants, whom they see more on television than in their neighborhoods.

Similar analyses can be applied to Britain, France, Sweden, and other democracies that have seen surges of populism.

Hyper ethnic change is profoundly unsettling to many people, and it is helping to drive populist political responses. One can dismiss such reactions as irrational or small-minded, but many people feel them nonetheless. Moreover, many people are not satisfied with improvements in their conditions if they perceive others—especially outsiders—as doing even better. Envy and resentment have long been drivers of anti-libertarian movements, and they seem to be back in a big way. The problem is exacerbated by the increase of welfare-state transfer payments and benefits, which outsiders are believed to exploit or threaten.

I fear that we may be entering an age of authoritarian “groupiness” and that the consequences will be terrible for freedom and prosperity. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the rise of far-right and far-left authoritarian populist movements today is more than a little reminiscent of Europe in the 1930s.

The Libertarian Response

To take on such populist ideas, we must start by understanding them. If fear regarding immigration trends is driving a larger fear of liberal democratic capitalism, one response is to ensure that immigration procedures are (accurately) perceived as orderly rather than as invasive. Attitudes toward both the Syrian refugees fleeing a catastrophic war and the current situation on the United States’ southern border have arguably been shaped for the worse by a failure to fashion more systematic and orderly solutions, entailing a right to work legally, for example.

The reason so many people choose to cross into the U.S. illegally, and in risky ways, is that it’s extraordinarily difficult to obtain a visa at an American consulate and travel by bus or car through a legal port of entry. Those who enter without permission or overstay their visas are less likely to go home, as was previously common, when they are not sure they’ll be able to return to work again in the future. A functioning and efficient guest worker program—one that allows people to easily take temporary jobs in the United States and then return home to their families with the wealth they’ve rightfully acquired—could help calm the worries of American citizens who balk at the idea that throngs of foreigners are forcing their way across the border.

But is there anything libertarians, the vast majority of whom remain outside the halls of power where immigration policy is set, can do?

One idea is to push back against the idea that trade is a zero-sum game. Your benefit need not come at my expense. What is good for Germany can be good for France, if Germans and Frenchmen trade goods and services rather than bullets and bombs. Immigrants who arrive to work enrich the people among whom they work. Negative-sum games can be transformed into positive-sum games by establishing the right institutions: property, contract, and voluntary trade. Trade has improved the well-being of Americans, of Germans, of Kenyans, of everyone.

Libertarians also need to take a hard look at our own rhetoric. Trying to divide humanity into taxpayers and tax eaters, as if there were some easy way in a modern society to distinguish the two groups neatly and unambiguously, feeds into populist hatred and rage. By all means cut subsidies, but demonizing the recipients as enemies of the people, as mere parasites, contributes to a climate of resentment, hatred, revenge, and conflict that undermines the framework for peaceful, voluntary cooperation on which liberty rests.

Thinking about the world in terms of friends vs. enemies channels energy into collectivism and demagoguery. To stop authoritarian populism, it’s important not to promote the mentality of enmity that enables it.

Tom G. Palmer is a senior fellow of the Cato Institute and the vice president for International Programs of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.

At least superficially, conservative political and religious ideology is thought to be associated with rule following and morality; the opposite was found at least in relation to bullying behavior

The curious link between politics, religion, and bullying behavior. Kilian James Garvey. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 31st annual meeting. Boston 2019.

Abstract: In the current stratified political and religious era, many accusations of who is more likely to engage in bullying behavior have been tossed about. Conservatives and religious populations claim that liberals and secular populations engage in more, and vice versa. In this study, demographic data from all 50 US states were analyzed to find relationships among ideology and bullying behavior. The predictor variables of poverty, church attendance, and political ideology were entered into a linear regression model with bullying behavior as the outcome variable. The results of the model indicated that while all predictors were associated with bullying behavior, only state wide conservative political ideology could account for state variation (R2 =.406, F(1,46)=28.67, p<.001). At least superficially, conservative political and religious ideology is thought to be associated with rule following and morality. However, in this analysis of the data, quite the opposite was found at least in relation to bullying behavior. It will be suggested that in-group preferences of conservative political and religious populations may react to the increasing diversity of the US population with bullying behavior.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Women are less competitive than men in most contexts; men are more likely to believe that competition improves performance, builds character, and leads to creative problem-solving

Lay beliefs about competition: Scale development and gender differences. Selin Kesebir, Sun Young Lee, Andrew J. Elliot, Madan M. Pillutla. Motivation and Emotion, July 24 2019.

Abstract: Women are less competitive than men in most contexts studied. This difference has been linked to the gender gap in socio-economic outcomes. To examine whether this gender difference is linked to differential beliefs about competition, we developed a scale measuring lay beliefs about competition and tested whether these beliefs account for gender differences in competitive attitudes and behaviors. A mini meta-analysis (N = 2331) of responses to this scale shows that men attribute more positive outcomes to competition than women. In particular, men are more likely to believe that competition improves performance, builds character, and leads to creative problem-solving. In contrast, the gender differences are smaller, less robust, and inconsistent for the different negative outcomes attributed to competition, such as encouraging unethical behavior, hurting self-esteem, and damaging relationships. We also show in two studies that only positive lay beliefs about competition predict competitive attitudes and behaviors, and account for (some of) the gender difference in competitiveness. We discuss possible reasons that women and men hold different beliefs about competition and the implications of these differences for the optimal design of social and organizational structures.

Keywords: Competitiveness Gender Lay theories Gender gap