Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sexual arousal by dominance and submissiveness was long considered as pathology; surprisingly, approximately half of respondents were excited by their partner’s submission or their own submission

Sexual Arousal by Dominance and Submissiveness in the General Population: How Many, How Strongly, and Why? Eva Jozifkova. Deviant Behavior,

ABSTRACT: Sexual arousal by dominance and submissiveness was long considered as pathology. Surprisingly, approximately half of respondents (n = 673) were excited by their partner’s submission or their own submission. A strong preference was found in 8.2% of respondents. Respondents of 6.1% were not even excited by equality, but only by disparity. The respondents differed in the type of disparity that they prefer, and how strongly they preferred this disparity. We suggest that sexual arousal by dominance and submissiveness is related to a common mating strategy.

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