Thursday, July 19, 2018

Focusing on time (vs. money) increases happiness; having too little or too much time is linked to less happiness; to be happier, people should spend the time they have deliberately

It’s time for happiness. Cassie Mogilner. Current Opinion in Psychology,

•    Focusing on time (vs. money) increases happiness.
•    Having too little time is linked to less happiness.
•    Having too much time is also linked to less happiness.
•    To be happier, people should spend the time they have deliberately.

Abstract: Spotlighting the logistically and existentially foundational resource of time, this review identifies that the extent to which people focus on time, the amount of time people have, and the ways people spend their time all have a significant impact on happiness. This synthesis of the past decade of research on time and happiness advises that people should (1) focus on time (not money), (2) have neither too little nor too much time, and (3) spend the time they have deliberately.

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