Wednesday, December 19, 2018

An Evolutionary-emotional Perspective of Insomnia and Parasomnias: Genetic determinants, personality traits, etc.

Perogamvros, Lampros. 2018. “An Evolutionary-emotional Perspective of Insomnia and Parasomnias.” PsyArXiv. December 19. doi:10.31234/

Abstract: Based on past literature, it is here supported that insomnia, and parasomnias such as sleepwalking, sleep terrors and nightmares, reflect an evolutionary survival mechanism, which has threat-related origins and which, in some vulnerable individuals, becomes persistent due to failure of a fear extinction function. Genetic determinants, personality traits and sleep disturbances seem to determine whether the individual will resume normal sleep after the acute phase (return to safety) or will develop the pathological condition of chronic insomnia, persistent sleepwalking in adulthood and nightmare disorder. Possible treatments targeting fear extinction are proposed, such as pharmacotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and targeted memory reactivation during sleep.

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