Friday, December 7, 2018

The Myth of the Philandering Man and the Crafty Woman: The expectations (or predictions) from the extended sexual infidelity hypothesis are not met , most human mating behavior is dominated by ‘caring and faithful’ women and men

The Myth of the Philandering Man and the Crafty Woman. Diego Lopez. Psychol Behav Sci Int J 4(3): PBSIJ.MS.ID.555637 (2017) 001.

Abstract: The monogamous human mating system arises from a unique psychological experience (i.e. falling in love), in which both partners make a conscious decision to choose a mate and establish a long-term relationship (a pair bond); this provides both intensive and extensive care for their offspring through most of their life. It is a trait particular to humans and one that generates both wonder and incredulity. A number of scholars, however, support a converse view where monogamy is merely an appearance - they argue that sexual infidelity is rampant with both partners. Nevertheless, on reviewing the evidence, it is clear that the expectations (or predictions) from the extended sexual infidelity hypothesis are not met; instead, the results are compatible with the sexually faithful human pair bond. It is concluded that most human mating behavior is dominated by ‘caring and faithful’ women and men. A host of other sexual behaviors are present in humans but these are secondary and elicited by infrequent or rare circumstances.

Keywords: Human mating system; Marriage; Monogamy; Sexual differentiation; Sexual infidelity; Sperm competition

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