Saturday, March 23, 2019

Attractive financial analysts have better performance (partly through privileged access to information from firm management); have better connections to institutional investors; receive more support from employers

Cao, Ying and Guan, Feng and Li, Zengquan and Yang, Yong George, Analysts’ Beauty and Performance (February 26, 2019). Management Science,

Abstract: We study whether sell-side financial analysts’ physical attractiveness is associated with their job performance. We find that attractive analysts make more accurate earnings forecasts than less attractive analysts. Moreover, more attractive analysts make stock recommendations that are more informative in the short run and more profitable in the long run. Further analyses reveal that attractive analysts attain their better job performance at least partly through their privileged access to information from firm management. For the sources of the beauty effect, we find that more attractive analysts gain more media exposure, have better connections to institutional investors, and receive more internal support from their employers. Additional evidence suggests that analysts’ physical appearance per se at least partly explains our findings. Overall, our study demonstrates that physical attractiveness has a profound impact on the job performance and information access of sell-side financial analysts.

Keywords: Beauty premium; financial analyst; analyst forecast
JEL Classification: G10, G23, M40

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