Monday, November 25, 2019

Narcissistic admiration is adaptive for speech performance & predicts higher self & observer-rated speech performance & lower anxiety; narcissistic rivalry is associated with greater anxiety

The effect of narcissistic admiration and rivalry on speaking performance. Harry Manley, Nuttha Paisarnsrisomsuk, Ross Roberts. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 154, 1 February 2020, 109624.

•    Narcissistic admiration predicts better self and observer-rated speech quality.
•    Narcissistic admiration is associated with lower state anxiety.
•    Narcissistic rivalry is unrelated to speech performance.
•    Narcissistic rivalry predicts higher state anxiety.

Objective: A narcissistic individual can seek to maintain his/her grandiose self-view through different processes associated with assertive self-enhancement (narcissistic admiration) or antagonistic self-protection (narcissistic rivalry). Here, we examine how admiration and rivalry affect anxiety and performance in a speaking task. Because the behaviours associated with narcissistic rivalry are motivated by ego threat, we further examined the moderating effect of self-affirmation, a process designed to reduce ego threat, on performance.

Method: We assigned 90 Thai students to a self-affirmation or control group and asked them to deliver a short speech. We assessed speech performance through self-report and observer ratings, and state anxiety using self-report.

Results: Narcissistic admiration was adaptive for speech performance and predicted higher self and observer-rated speech performance and lower anxiety. In contrast, narcissistic rivalry was associated with greater anxiety but was unrelated to speech performance. Self-affirmation moderated the effect of narcissistic rivalry on self-rated speech performance but in an unexpected direction such that rivalry was negatively related to speech performance following self-affirmation.

Conclusion: These results add to the developing literature on the behavioural correlates of narcissistic admiration and rivalry, with admiration reflecting the more socially adaptive component of grandiose narcissism.

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