Tuesday, January 28, 2020

From 2018... The First Ejaculation: A Male Pubertal Milestone Comparable to Menarche?

From 2018... The First Ejaculation: A Male Pubertal Milestone Comparable to Menarche? Jordan A. Chad. The Journal of Sex Research, Volume 57, 2020 - Issue 2, Pages 213-221, Nov 30 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2018.1543643

Abstract: Boys experience their first ejaculation (thorarche) during adolescence, but this event is often overlooked as a milestone in male adolescent development. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to thorarche and consider it in comparison with the female milestone of menarche. A critical analysis is provided of how thorarche has been interpreted to date and the complexities in construing thorarche from a biological perspective are outlined. Despite potential tenability of characterizing thorarche as a comparable milestone to menarche, two particular points challenge this notion: (a) While thorarche may befall the boy involuntarily, it may also be induced by the boy’s own will; and (b) Thorarche occurs concomitantly with (pubertal) orgasmarche and has an innate connection with sexuality. The answer to the title question remains contentious, but open topics for future research are noted throughout the article as essential steps towards attaining a better understanding of thorarche.

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