Wednesday, April 1, 2020

With no real competition for food, subjects in pairs immediately exhibited a systematic behavioural shift to reaching for smaller amounts more frequently; seems a built-in tactic in humans & possibly in other animals

Mere presence of co-eater automatically shifts foraging tactics toward ‘Fast and Easy' food in humans. Yukiko Ogura, Taku Masamoto and Tatsuya Kameda. Royal Society Open Science, Volume 7, Issue 4, April 1 2020.

Abstract: Competition for food resources is widespread in nature. The foraging behaviour of social animals should thus be adapted to potential food competition. We conjectured that in the presence of co-foragers, animals would shift their tactics to forage more frequently for smaller food. Because smaller foods are more abundant in nature and allow faster consumption, such tactics should allow animals to consume food more securely against scrounging. We experimentally tested whether such a shift would be triggered automatically in human eating behaviour, even when there was no rivalry about food consumption. To prevent subjects from having rivalry, they were instructed to engage in a ‘taste test' in a laboratory, alone or in pairs. Even though the other subject was merely present and there was no real competition for food, subjects in pairs immediately exhibited a systematic behavioural shift to reaching for smaller food amounts more frequently, which was clearly distinct from their reaching patterns both when eating alone and when simply weighing the same food without eating any. These patterns suggest that behavioural shifts in the presence of others may be built-in tactics in humans (and possibly in other gregarious animals as well) to adapt to potential food competition in social foraging.

4. Discussion

We created a laboratory foraging situation in which subjects were asked to eat potato chips for a ‘taste test'. The mere presence of a co-eater in the Visible Pair condition increased the reach frequency for food and decreased the weight of food per reach, as compared to the Solo condition (figures 2a and b). This result supports our hypothesis that the behavioural shift toward foraging smaller food more frequently would be triggered automatically among human subjects, even when there was no actual competition about food consumption.
We argued that the behavioural tactics in social foraging consist of two components—increasing reach frequency and preferring smaller food amounts. Compared to the increase in reach frequency observed across the two Pair conditions, the behavioural shift for smaller food amounts emerged only in the Visible Pair condition. Although the latter shift may be seen as a by-product of random picking caused by distraction from the visible co-eater, the reach pattern was distinct from the simulated random sampling (figure 3b). It was also distinguishable from the counting pattern in the weighing experiment (figure 3c). We thus think that, along with increasing reach frequency, choosing smaller food amounts is a systematic (yet weaker) component of foraging tactics in human group settings.
The overall amount of individuals' food intake was not increased by the presence of a co-eater, which may appear inconsistent with results from previous human psychological studies of social facilitation in eating behaviour [10,26]. However, in these studies, food was freely given to the subjects and eating time was not controlled; in a subsequent study of real-world eating behaviour by humans, the increase in food consumption in the presence of others reflected an increase in meal duration [27]. While these psychological studies were silent about the cost–benefit trade-offs in foraging tactics, the present study examined human eating behaviour from a behavioural ecological perspective, arguing that humans may favour sure gain at the cost of time, effort and amount per intake to adjust to potential competition in social foraging.
Our results showed that the behavioural shift was triggered by the mere presence of a co-eater, even without actual competition. This suggests that the underlying mechanism for the shift may be a built-in system that activates automatically in response to relevant social cues. Considering that gregariousness is not human-specific but widespread in animals, neural implementation of an automatic competitive mode may also be rooted in ancient neural circuits. In domestic chicks, for example, a brain region considered to be homologous to the limbic area in mammals contributes to an automatic increase in the reaching frequency for feeders [28,29]. On the other hand, many brain mapping studies in humans have attempted to identify brain regions related to social competition using behavioural games [3032]. However, the competitive contexts they have used are very different from the foraging situation in our study. Future research addressing the neural implementation of an automatic competitive mode in social foraging will be important not only for behavioural ecology but also to better understand the biological bases of problematic eating behaviour in humans.
In summary, humans shift their foraging tactics when a co-eater is present. Such a behavioural shift is likely to be a built-in response to possible food competition with conspecifics and may be common across many gregarious animals.

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