Thursday, May 7, 2020

Gender gaps in political engagement cannot be explained by women’s greater aversion to conflict, it is a product of men’s comparatively higher levels of enjoyment of arguments and disagreements

Conflict Avoidance and Gender Gaps in Political Engagement. Jennifer Wolak. Political Behavior, May 7 2020.

Abstract: Why are women less likely to engage with politics as compared to men? I explore whether women avoid politics because of their lower levels of tolerance for conflict and disagreement. Men are more likely to say they enjoy a lively political argument, while women are more conflict avoidant. These differences in people’s orientations toward conflict are thought to contribute to gender gaps in political interest and engagement. I explore this using survey responses to a module of the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study. I find that people’s positive reactions to conflict better explain the decision to engage in politics than negative reactions to disagreements. While women report higher levels of conflict avoidance than men, gender gaps in political engagement cannot be explained by women’s greater aversion to conflict. Instead, gender gaps are better understood as a product of men’s comparatively higher levels of enjoyment of arguments and disagreements.

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