Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A regularity in US American politics is that liberals have more policy consensus than do conservatives; in European data, this conclusion is not as clear

Brandt, Mark J., Anthony Aron, Megan Parker, Cristina Rodas, and Megan Shaffer. 2021. “Leftists Possess More National Consensus in Europe in One of Two Datasets.” PsyArXiv. April 12. doi:10.31234/osf.io/dm4wt

Abstract: A regularity in US American politics is that liberals have more policy consensus than do conservatives, and both ideological groups have more consensus than moderates (Ondish & Stern, 2018). The idea is that conservatives’ local conformity paradoxically results in less consensus than liberals at the national level. If this is the case, then the liberal consensus effect should also be observed in other countries. We test this using data from Europe. In the European Social Survey (Country N = 38, N = 376,129) we find that on average leftists have more consensus than do rightists; however, we do not find this using the Eurobarometer (Country N = 18, N = 375,830). In both data sources we also observe variation in ideological differences between countries. These results suggest that there is a liberal/leftist consensus effect that can be found in Europe and the United States, but there are also exceptions.

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