Thursday, July 14, 2022

We, especially those in high quality relationships, respond positively to being outperformed by our romantic partner. Reasons: greater empathy; relationship as a source of self-affirmation; finding partner's success beneficial for oneself

Thai, Sabrina. 2022. “Comparing You, Me, and Us: Social Comparisons in the Context of Close Relationships.” PsyArXiv. July 14. doi:10.31234/

Abstract: Social comparisons in the context of close relationships occur often in daily life. Yet, limited research has examined the various types of comparisons that can occur in relationships and the interpersonal consequences of these comparisons. I first describe the types of comparisons individuals can make in close relationships (between themselves and a close other, between their relationship and another, and between a close other and another person) and the interpersonal consequences of these comparisons. I then discuss how examining comparisons in close relationships leads to new ways of thinking about social comparisons: Comparisons have a greater reach than previously thought (dyadic and cumulative longitudinal effects of comparisons), they are more complex than simply comparing the self to others, and they influence relationship outcomes and reveal processes that have not yet been examined. These new insights and directions demonstrate how this intrapersonal process has important interpersonal consequences.

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